Chapter 66

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Oh god oh god what do I do....Or what do I say? It's not like he's a murderer or anything.

No he's just the psycho that smashed your car cause he's pissed your boyfriends dad and current boss fired his ass my subconscious reminds.

Every bone in my body is telling me to scream but with every step he takes closer to me the more my body becomes numb and unable to move.

I take a very brief look around and let out a sigh of relief when I see a few pedestrians walking around. Okay, surely he wouldn't do anything in front of all these people...

"What are you looking for?" Dan interrupts and my eyes immediately snap back to his.

Shit shit shit. Play it cool. Be calm. Be normal for once in your life!

"Oh I was just looking around for Harry" I lie, my heart accelerating as Dan stands right before me with a sinister grin.

"Harry huh" he scoffs before pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up.

I guess he started smoking too. It's hard to believe a man with so much ahead of him has fallen from the top and is now standing in front of me looking like a, dear I say, homeless person.

"So you two are still together then?" he asks, flicking ash onto the pavement before taking another puff.

"Mhmm" I answer quietly with a nod and attempt a small smile though my lips probably didn't even move.

He narrows his eyes at me momentarily then takes me in. His brown eyes moving from the tip of my black platforms all the way up to my lips.

"What about you? Found yourself a girl yet?" I ask, hoping to buy some time with what seems like normal conversation.

"No" he says grimly with no emotion at all and no further comment.

Please hurry Harry I mentally yell and take another look around while Dan reaches into his pocket. Oh god good god please don't be a gun. He isn't that crazy is he? I mean, why would he do it in the middle of street where everyone can see him. Oh please don't hurt me.

Much to my relief Dan pulls out a piece of paper and I nearly choke on how damn stupid and over reactive I am. My temperature drops with relief and I let out a breath I was holding in tight.

He looks hesitantly down at the paper, unfolds it and briefly looks at or reads the paper with an unsure expression. Eventually he lets out a sigh, folds it back up and then hands the paper to me before taking another long drag.

"What is it?" I ask as I begin to unfold it myself.

"No no don't open it yet" he says quickly, dropping his cigarette to stop my movements with both hands.

I stop what I'm doing as soon as his hands are on mine and take a small step back away from him.

"Sorry...uh just read it when you get home or something. When you're alone" he says nervously, taking a small step away from me and looking at the ground.

"Uhh okay... What is it though?" I ask again as he starts nervously moving around.

"It's nothing... I just I umm... Just promise me you'll read it later, please" he asks a bit more softer and I notice the polite and nervous mannerisms of the Dan I once knew coming through.

"Okay I will" I nod, and he gives me a small brief smile and even though he's completely drunk, he doesn't seem as intimidating as he did a few moments ago.

"I miss you Ella" he says taking a small step towards me and I hold my breath as he tucks a small piece of hair behind my ear. He doesn't drop his hand after the small gesture but instead leaves his hand caressing my face. What the hell.

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