Chapter 83

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"Louise" I smile, immediately embracing her warm hug after she just opened the door.

"Ms. Ella where have you been. You left me all alone with the boys" she jokes half seriously, closing the door gently behind me before I follow her through to the kitchen and lounge.

I just smile and give her a small shrug to which she rolls her eyes, something I'm sure she picked up from Mr Styles.

"It's very quiet around here now you know? It would be lovely if you came back. Mr Styles talks about trying to get you back here all the time" Louise says with an unknowing vacant look, spilling the beans a little.

"She knows I want her back" Mr Styles says with a weak smile just as we reach the dining room.

He's sitting in his wheel chair, wrapped in a big blanket and beanie with a very noticeable machine next to him that has tubes connecting somewhere beneath his blanket.

I take in a big breath of shock and try play it off with a smile but I can see he knows I'm scared. He gives me a warm smile and slowly puts his hand out for me to take.

"How are you my darling?" he says a little strained, giving my hand a little squeeze before gesturing for me to sit down next to him at the table.

"I'm good Mr Styles. What about you?" I ask, trying hard not to look at the intimidating machine next to him.

"Very cold" he says, pulling his blankets a little tighter around himself.

"Yes, this winter is terrible" I say, looking outside at the dark weather.

No doubt it will snow at some point soon. I'm use to the cold back home but not this bad. It's so dark here and I hardly ever want to go outside into this weather.

"Would you like your lunch now Mr Styles?" Louise asks from the kitchen door with a small smile.

"Yes please, that would be lovely" he says gently which in a way I feel I am not use to.

Mr Styles was always gentle and kind at work but not like this. Now he is fragile and appreciates all that is going around him. He smiles at small offerings and help from people, taking in every minute of every day as it goes by.

"You okay with corn fritters?" he asks, wheeling himself a little closer to the table.

"Perfect" I shrug and he gives me a smile.

"Yes Harry said" he smiles, looking directly at me for a reaction though I keep my emotions at bay and try not to think about it too much. "I was going to ask for Omelettes but Harry said you didn't like them too much" Mr Styles pushes again with a small smirk and I can tell he's trying to make a point here.

"He's right" I say, grabbing the jug of water in the middle of the table, pouring the two of us a glass to try distract myself.

"He's at work today my dear boy is. Learning the ropes and all to become the big boss of the company" he chuffs proudly.

"How's he going?" I can't help but ask, genuinely curious at how he is handling this whole thing.

"Very well I think. He doesn't stand for anyone's crap that's for sure. Or at least that's what I've heard from some of my old colleagues who are working alongside him"

I chuckle a little, imagining Harry in a black suit, frowning at people as they come into his office and try hand him over lazy work and/or answers he was looking for. Mr Styles use to get it all the time. The two of us would just laugh at the amount of people who would come in handing over half ass jobs they had finished and try to get away with it. Mr Styles would always politely tell them to go touch up some things or re do it, though I can't rarely imagine Harry being as polite. I'd imagine he'd stare at them in the most unforgiving way as if he were offended by what work or ideas some people had just given him.

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