Chapter 36

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Ellas POV:

I has spent the past hour, re-organizing, memorizing and writing down the numbers of the people I needed to contact to confirm multiple meetings for the rest of the week though all I was really thinking about was the small amount of the email I was able to read before Harry burst into the room. I wish I had read the entire email as I now feel a little alarmed and panicked for Mr.Styles health. Usually I would know when, where and why he would be going to the doctors as I was the one who would book the appointment in the first place, but this seemed different. The email was urgent and sounded a lot more serious than just a usual checkup. Though I nervously tap the keyboard multiple times as I keep thinking of worst case scenarios, Harry remains unaware of my anxiety as he is busy watching some intense french thriller by the looks of it. Though watching it may be a bit of an exaggeration. His eyelids keep drooping every couple of minutes though he widens them quickly and turns his head to check on me before resuming his position. I watch him for a bit, almost laughing at his fight to stay awake until he finally gives in, letting out a deep sigh as he keeps his eyes closed this time. I let out a yawn myself and decide I've had enough of reading from this laptop. The screen is too bright in the dark room and it's hurting my eyes so I shut the laptop and place it on the small table next to me. Harry doesn't notice as I get off the bed to put my pyjamas on, but instead lets out a quiet snore. After brushing my hair and cleaning my teeth I quickly go fill up a large glass and place the thoughtful flowers Harry bought me earlier today inside. They're a little big for the cup but I force them in as there is nothing bigger for them to go into. Once I wipe the wet bench down, I take them back to the bedroom, placing them on the high drawers and get back in bed with Harry though it doesn't go un-noticed as I shuffle around this time.

"Sorry" I whisper as I move around but he just turns and faces me with his eyes still closed shut.

I grab the remote and switch off the TV, leaving the two of us in pitch black.

"Do you want me to set an alarm for you?" he mumbles sleepily, shuffling around before his whole face lights up from his phone.

"Yes please" I whisper, watching as his eyebrows furrow in concentration from his eyes trying to adjust to the sudden sharpness of the light directly beaming into them.

"Here" he hands me his phone and it's my turn to squint at the screen.

I set three alarms, all between 6.30 and 7, making sure I'm up and ready for tomorrow, not un-prepared like I was today. I hand back his phone, my eyes relaxing once they no longer have to look directly into the over lit brightness.

"Wow that's a lot of alarms" he comments quietly while staring at the screen. "Early alarms" he adds and I smile at his disapproval of the early morning start.

"You're dad is letting me start work at 10 tomorrow but I still need to get up early" I whisper just as he locks his phone and puts it next to my pillow.

I have no idea why we're whispering. No one else is here but it's more because it's dark and silent, and would seem odd to talk in a volume any louder.

"Does that mean I get to spend the morning with you" he remarks and I know if I could see him he would be smirking.

"No" I smile even though he can't see me, though my eyes are slightly adjusting to the darkness and I can nearly make out his shape, "I need to buy a new phone"

"Oh that's right, cause of your whole clumsy incident this morning" he whispers and I know he's just being a smart ass.

"I wasn't being clumsy, I just didn't see it" I defend.

"Sure" he mutters smugly trying to push me further though I don't budge.

I'm too tired to play along with him after feeling completely stressed from reading that email so instead I just remain silent and close my eyes for some rest.

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