Chapter 40

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Ellas POV:

I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling, thinking of what nearly happened while I get underneath the top sheet. Now that all the heat and adrenaline has left my body, the cold Paris chill covers it in goose bumps.

"Yeah. Who the fucks asking?" Harry growls into the phone and I cringe for whoever is on the receiving end of his anger.

I've seen Harry angry a few times and I'm glad I've never been the reason behind it. Harry can be the nicest guy but he has a limit, and by the tone of his voice, that line has been crossed.

"You are fucking kidding me" he sighs, looking at me as if he doesn't believe what he is hearing, "Well what the fuck do you want?"

I mouth who is it? at him but he just shakes his head as if now isn't the time to ask.

"Why do you need her?" he narrows his eyes as he waits for an answer.


"Yeah I know where she is. She's in bed with me moron"

My mouth drops open at Harrys words and I pray to god it isn't someone from work. I can't believe he just told whoever it is on the phone that. Chances are it is a co-worker. Who else would be calling? I just hope it's someone from the French branch so I don't have to see them again after this weekend. Harrys looks around the room while listening to what the other person has to say though I can't hear the small muffled talk from other side of the line anymore.

"Are you there? ... well then speak would you... what do you want? " he continues listening for a few seconds before letting out a huge groan and handing the phone to me.

"Hello?" I bring the phone to my ear, looking at Harry as he grumpily gets out of bed and walks towards the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind him.

"Ella? Oh I umm didn't think you were actually there" the nervous voice speaks through the phone and I roll my eyes, knowing full well why Harry stormed off.

"Hi Dan" I sigh, as I get up from the bed and start to put my under garments back on.

"Hey err, sorry for... interrupting..." he nervously apologizes and I don't even bother to try and change the story of Harry and I being in bed together.

He already said it so no point in going back now.

"It's okay. What's up?" I say pulling my skirt up above my waist, zipping it at the side before tucking my shirt back in with my free hand.

"Oh I was just a little worried about um... Has Mr.Styles talked to you about anything lately?" he mutters and mumbles and I have no idea what he's talking about.

Maybe Dan got drunk too. Sounds like it with the way he's rambling though I know he would never.

"Like what?" I ask mindlessly as I pick my stockings up off the ground and sit back down on the bed.

"Oh... I just ... um..." he rambles and I know instantly he's hiding something from me.

"What is it Dan?" I press, leaning further into the phone as if it will help get the answer out of him.

"Forget I said anything. I'll see you later Ella" he finishes quickly and hangs up on me.

Before I can try call him back, Harry comes back out of the bathroom, a crease dominant between his eyebrows as he frowns at me. I almost laugh at his expression as it reminds me of how pissed off he was at Dan last night for having his arm around the back of my chair. I wasn't aware of it and I don't think much of it, but if Harry gets angry over something like that it's at least showing he does really care about me.

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