Chapter 38

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Ellas POV:

I slowly regain consciousness, feeling confused as to whether I am still dreaming or not. But when I finally sit up in bed, keeping my eyes shut closed, I listen and hear it again.

Three thuds come from what I hope is the front door and not by bedroom door. I rub my eyes and listen again, waiting to hear the booming noise echo throughout the hotel room.


I sit up in bed, hesitant as to whether I should answer the door or not. The knocks aren't fast like you would usually hear, but are seconds' apart, making the sound long and daunting. I check my phone and frown in frustration as it reads 3.29am.

I get out of bed, squinting as I turn the hall light on and walk towards the door. The knock comes again, only once this time followed by a loud groan. And not just any groan, it was a low raspy tone making it clear who was on the other side of the door.

"Harry?" I still question myself as I open the door hesitantly.

"Oh good you're awake!!" he shouts as he drags a step forward.

"Would you keep it down!?" I harshly whisper, wrapping my arms around myself as the cold temperature now hits me.

As angry as I am at Harry right now, I'm too tired to even think about yelling at him for not only being so rude at dinner but for leaving me on the cold street without a word. Just thinking about it is getting my blood pumping but all I want is the warm bed I had to leave to answer the door for this drunk idiot.

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" he whispers, leaning his arm against the door frame, taking a look behind me and I follow his gaze, wondering what he's looking at.

"No" I look back at his droopy eyes that stare deep into mine.

He then looks away from my eyes, and down at my legs that are regrettably not covered in long pants. I was so angry before going to bed that I was boiling hot, and decided on my pyjama shorts.

A small smirk plays along his lips and I can tell he's trying to hide a smile.

"Can I come in then?" he says leaning in closer to me, alcohol coursing through his every breath.

"No" I shake my head, folding my arms across my chest as I look at a scene I've seen more than enough times.

Drunk Harry knocking on my door, begging for shelter just for the night. Usually I would grant it but seeing as he was being a complete asshole earlier, I'm more than happy to let him walk the streets of Paris alone. He seemed more than happy to leave me outside.

"Please" he slurs, leaning his head against the door frame for support now.

"No. I don't want you in here" I stand my ground, not wanting to even continue this conversation.

"Fine" he sighs, pushing himself up from the door frame, "I'll just stay out here"

"Fine by me" I say, praying he doesn't for too long as I know I'll feel guilty and let him in.

He sits opposite my door, sliding down the wall until his bum falls to the ground. He bends his legs up and rests his head against the cream wall behind him.

"So you're just going to stay out here all night?" I watch as he closes his eyes.

"Yup. I might sing a little too" He sighs tiredly and I roll my eyes knowing full well he won't.

"Sure" I close the door, leaving the tragic boy outside as I lock it shut.

Just as I get to my room I hear what sounds like Harry singing. Or more like yelling.

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