Chapter 9

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Ellas POV:

Harrys hand stayed firmly wrapped around mine as we made our way back to the car and I'm glad he's holding me. His hand is the only thing keeping me stable as I try to keep up with his pace. While talking to those guys, who were surprisingly really cool, I had a few more drinks which are only just starting to hit me now. Thank fully I'm still aware of what I'm doing and what is going on, I'm just tipping into the beginning stages of being drunk. I can feel my head getting a little heavier and my legs feeling much lighter as I walk in the the fresh air.

"I'm driving" Zac says, taking the keys away from Harry who doesn't seem all that fussed and I assume he's in no state to be driving himself. He opens the door for me and I climb in expecting him to shut it and go to the front but instead he stays in the back with me, making Jodi sit in the front with Zac.

"Are you ok Harry?" I ask timidly as he slams the car door shut.

"Yeah I'm fine" he mutters as he pulls his phone out from his pocket.

Jodi turns around to face me but hides behind the chair so Harry doesn't see her.

Whats wrong with him? she over dramatically mouths at me and I try to stiffle a laugh.

I shrug in response just in time before Harry looks up at me, making Jodi quickly turn back around to watch the road as we drive off.

"Are you ok Ella? he asks repeating the question I just asked him seconds ago.

"I'm good" I smile and he lets out a small laugh.

"You're drunk" he grins.

I almost go to argue with him but my head feels so heavy I know he's right.

"Maybe just a little" I admit holding my thumb and index finger up as if he two show him the measurement of how drunk I am.

"Me too" he agrees copying my movements and we both let out a laugh.

In no way is this funny but for some reason the alcohol is sending happy vibes through out my entire body tonight. I will admit this is a little fun, and I am loosening up a little more than usual but only because I will be moving soon and I guess I should experience New York before I leave. I probably won't see it for a while so might as well.

"It's just up here on the left" Harry points out to Zac who pulls in to a car park just past the club which has a huge queue outside. I have no idea if they're going to let us in. Harry and I are both underage but he seems to be confident with this type of thing.

Harry leads us straight past the long line of people and straight to the front where a huge security guard stands.

"Hey Styles how you doing!?" the once angry looking guard beams at Harry giving him a solid hand shake before pulling back the rope that stops people from getting in.

"I'm good man. How's Darla? Still keeping you warm at night?" Harry smiles as he walks past the line and up the stairs to which the three of us follow. The security guard doesn't seem to mind us but instead gives a polite smile as we walk through.

"Yeah yeah" the security guard chuckles and then puts the black rope back up, "you have a good night"

"Will do" Harry calls back to him.

Well that was easier than I expected.

I can already hear the loud thumping music booming from the top of the stairs as we nearly reach the top. Just as I reach the last step that connects to the dark room, Harry surprisingly grabs my hand again as we step into the smoke filled club. I can barely see what is going on as bright flashing lights zoom past every few seconds.

He pulls me through multiple dancing bodies grinding up against eachother and I look back to see where Jodi is. Both her and Zac are following close behind, Jodi already starting to move to the music with a clear smile on her face.

I coil my fingers around Harry's even tighter as a skinny white bald boy with drunk eyes all of a sudden wraps his arms around my waist. Harry turns around after I stop him in his tracks whilst the guy mumbles something to me that I can't quite understand.

"Back off" Harry warns immediately in a deep voice making the boy drop his hands from my waist.

"Sorry man I had no idea" he slurs and I take a small step closer to Harry.

"Well what the fuck do you think this means?" Harry says raising our entwined hands to show the boy who looks completely confused.

I know Harrys just pretending we're together to get the guy to back off but I feel completely taken aback by how protective he is. It's very... attractive on him, seeing him being protective of a women for once though I wouldn't tell him that. He would only mock me for weeks about how I find him attractive. Wait what? No, I don't find him attractive I mean I find his protectiveness attractive not him. Not really I think. I mean I suppose he is attractive but I know he's a complete asshole so I wouldn't put it any further than the fact that I can see why girls fall all over him. But certainly not me cause I've seen what he's like and he's just an arrogant prick. Apart from tonight, tonight I've seen a slightly different side of him.

"C'mon Harry get a move on would you" Jodi calls from behind me and the random guy sees it as his opportunity to leave.

Harrys nostrils slightly flare as he watches him dissapear in amongst the dancing bodies. I grab his bicep with my free hand and push him forward slighty, encouraging him to continue walking to where ever he was taking us. He finally starts leading us once again until we end up at the bar.

"Hey DJ" Harry calls out to the dark guy making a drink on the other side of the bar.

"Hey man whats happening! Heard you're leaving us to go to England then?" the guy named DJ smiles as he walks over to us.

Harry finally lets go of my hand, leans over the bar and recieves a handshake along with small man hug.

"Yeah I leave next week" Harry says, and I know if I was sober I would be panicking right now at the thought of leaving next week though I couldn't care less to be honest.

"What! Man you gonna be leaving a string of broken hearts back here in America" DJ laughs and Harry shakes his head in denial though I can see him smiling.

"Anyway man we saved a spot for you up top" DJ says pointing up to a slightly raised area in a corner that looks over the entire dance floor.

"What drinks you want tonight?" he asks and Harry looks back to the three of us deciding on what to order.

"Umm maybe just a plain coke, a steinlager and 2 malibu and pineapples" he answers.

"Make that a double shot!" Jodi adds in and DJ nods in response. Im still shocked by how willing these guys are to serve alcohol to 'minors'.

"Not for hers" Harrys says pointing to me and I'm offended by his request.

"Why?" I protest and he immediately smiles down at me.

"Because I think you've already had a lot to drink and I don't want you passing out anywhere"

"I won't I promise" I smile cheesily up at him, "plleeeeeasse".

I don't know why I'm begging for more alcohol. My subconcious is telling me to slow down but for some reason I can't stop myself. I'm having to much fun to stop now.

"Fine, give her a double shot too" Harry gives in and I change my cheesy grin to a sweet one.

"Alright man, I'll get one of the girls to bring it up to your table" DJ says as he starts preparing our drinks.

We push past a few people but finally get to the small area. It has two leather couches that face out towards the dance floor with a small glass table in front of the two. Jodi and Zac take one of the leather couches while Harry and I take the other.

"Let's go dance after we get our drinks" Jodi shouts to me over the loud music.

"Yes!" I shout back even though I really have no idea how to dance, but with the mood I'm in right now I don't care if I make a complete idiot of myself.

"You're going to go dance?" Harry asks raising his eyebrows and I can tell he's amused.

"Of course I am. I'll have you know I'm quite an amzing dancer" I try to lie but I can't hide my smile.

"I'm sure you are" he nods though I can see he knows I'm bluffing.

"Hi there" some tall skinny strawberry blonde says as she approaches the table.

She smiles at all of us though her gaze stops when she gets to Harry, an immediate blush covering her pasty cheeks as she keeps her eyes on him.

"Hi" he says raising his hand, giving her a small wave.

She giggles shyly in response and I roll my eyes at her foolishness. What is wrong with these girls? They fall to pieces at just one look from this british boy.

She finally puts the tray full of drinks down then stands there a little awkwardly while making flirty eyes at Harry.

"Thank you" Jodi speaks up, dismissing the girl.

"Anytime" she responds only to Harry before sauntering off back to the bar.

God he must love all this attention.

"Surprise surprise, bartender falls head over heels for Harry Styles" Jodi chirps as she looks down at the drinks.

"Whatever" Harry scoffs taking his beer and leaning back on he leather couch.

"Oooh they got us shots too!" Jodi beams and hands me one instantly.

"Here" she says giving one to Harry, to which he moans a little but takes it anyway.

"Bottoms up!" she says and all three of us clink our small shot glasses before taking the hit.

The taste is absolutely repulsive so I quickly grab the other yellow drink which I assume is mine and start chugging it back through the small straw. The taste finally goes away though half my drink is gone too.

"They brought one for Zac too so who's going to have his? Cause I'm not" she says sitting back, resting in Zacs arms.

"I don't think I can go anymore shots tonight" Harry shakes his head.

"I will" I volunteer, grabbing the last shot in front of me though it's quickly snatched out of my hands, spilling a little on my shoe.

"No you won't" Harry says before throwing his head back and taking it himself.

I feel my mouth drop open in shock as he snatched the shot right from my hand but eventually end up laughing at his wickedness.

"Fine. Let's go dance Jodi" I say standing to my feet and I instantly feel light headed though I try to hide it by leaning my hand on the back of the couch as I wait for her to join me.

Harrys POV:

I can't help but watch cautiously as she makes her way onto the dance floor with Jodi. I don't want that creep going anywhere near her again.

"You ok man?" Zac asks though I keep my eyes on the two figures pushing their way through to a larger space.

"Yeah" I say as I watch Ella begin to move to the music, a huge smile appearring across my face as I see her finally let go.

I knew she had it in her, she just had to take a step away from that damn busy life of hers and enjoy herself for once. She's absolutely pissed off her face but so are Jodi and I, and I don't think any of us should drink anymore after this.

"Ella seems cool" Zac comments as he too watches the girls dance.

"Yeah she is" I agree and can't help but think about how much I actually enjoy her company. Apart from Jodi I find most girls annoying as hell but with Ella I feel like I can hold a normal conversation with her and she hardly ever takes crap from me which I contantly dish out on a regular basis just to get a reaction. It's childesh but it's fun.

I watch as the blue lights now hit Ellas swaying hips and tight bum that anyone can happily appreciate through her tight black skirt. She actually looks really hot. I noticed it as soon as I saw her in the apartment. I had never seen her dress like this before and I will say she looks sexy as fuck. She's not tragic like most girls in here who are grinding up against multiple boys in a short mini skirt with their fake boobs out on display. Instead she just keeps to herself and feels the music as it surrounds her in loud beats. She pushes her dark hair away from her face before raising her hands above her head then back down as she starts moving her feet a little more. Jodi whispers something in her ear that makes her look back up to us and I automatically feel embarrassed, which is a feeling I never get. But I know by the look on both their faces that she caught me checking her out...


Thought I'd double update tonight since I haven't written in a few days. Hope you like it !

Ps: The photo on the left makes me wanna die. Just sayin .

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