Chapter 54

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Harry's POV:

"Why are you so annoyingly love-able" she mumbles into my chest and I smile at her quiet comment.

"You think I'm love-able?" I repeat her words and she slowly looks up at me.

"I never said anything of the sort" she says as she lets go of me though I only pull her closer.

"Are you sure..." I tease her trying to hear the words I know she once felt for me.

"I'm sure" she responds stubbornly and I smile at the return of her wit.

I missed my girl this week. I have no idea if I could have managed another week with out her. I'm glad she got sick in a way, it's selfish yes, but I know if she never got sick yesterday then she wouldn't be standing here in my arms right now.

"I missed you" I say and she gives me a shy smile.

"I missed you too"she says quietly much to my pleasure.

"Did you miss me enough to give me a kiss?" I ask in hope knowing full well she won't give in to me easily this time.

"Nope" she says proudly though I can see in her eyes she's fighting it.

"Not even a little one?" I try giving her my most innocent smile to try break her but she stands her ground and simply shakes her head.

"Not even a cute one?" I continue and she shakes her head again but with a smile this time so I know I'm getting closer to what I want.

I start walking forwards, guiding her backwards towards the bed though she catches on and stands still, holding me in place just as I was about to push her onto the bed.

"Is my car still at work?" She asks, changing the direction of topic.

Obviously I know I'm not going to get back into her pants that easily but I at least want a kiss. I miss Ella's soft cautious kisses that easily turn eager and hot.

"Yes. Do you want to go get it?"

"Yes please" she says wrapping her arms back around me but immediately retracts then once I offer her a bargain.

"Ill drop you to your car for a kiss"

"No deal" she says stepping out of my arms and collecting her handbag from the bedside.

"Fine Ill just drop you" I give in, unsatisfied with my non existent kiss from Ella though I guess I understand why she's being a little more cautious around me this time.

Driving down the roads back to the main office is quite busy as its Saturday. Neither one of us talk and although its not uncomfortable I'm dying to hear what's going on inside her busy mind, hoping its nothing about taking back her promising notion to move on from the past.

"So what are you doing today?" I ask just as we stop at a set of traffic lights a few blocks down from her car.

"Hopefully sorting out my apartment" she says searching through her bag for something.

"Sort out how?"

"Well my furniture was supposed to come last week but I still haven't got anything. If I don't hear anything from them today I will just go buy a bed from the store" she says furrowing her eyebrows as she finally pulls out a small piece of paper that seems to have multiple numbers on it.

Shit her phone.

"Your phones in the glove box by the way. You had some missed calls from the furniture place, I saw when I charged you phone" I say and immediately regret my use of words, hoping she didn't take that in a way that made me seem like a prying boyfriend. "I didn't purposely look through your phone or anything it just popped up when it turned back on. I was bringing it back to you when I came into your office yesterday"

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