Chapter 11

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Ella's POV:

I begin to stir as soon as I hear a familiar yet strange loud sound coming from somewhere nearby. My eyes flutter and eventually open though I squint as soon as I try open them as the sun beams into...

Where am I?!

I sit up straight in a double bed looking around at the alien surroundings.

"Finally" Jodie catches my attention from the corner of the room as she switches her hair dryer off, and I relax immediately as the memories of last night slowly piece together.

I remember her telling me that I was going back with her to her hotel room because we were in the club and ...

"Oh my god" I groan into my hands and fall back onto the bed.

"Uhh yeah" Jodie raises her eyebrows as she knows I've just remembered what happened between Harry and I.

His soft lips on mine, both of us panting loudly as we pressed hard against one another. My legs wrapped around him, bringing him closer as I was eager to have as much of him as I could. Him squeezing my bum and me enjoying it.

What the hell was I thinking! I am crazy! Oh my god I'm going to get fired I know it! All because I kissed Harry. Why did I do that?

"Shit" I say spreading my fingers so I can peep through my hands at Jodi who is now sitting on the bed, "what have I done?"

"Jesus Ella you would think you've killed someone or something. You haven't done anything that bad. I mean it wasn't the brightest of ideas kissing Harry but you'll live" she says lying down next to me.

"I don't know what came over me. I don't even like him" I say and she raises her eyebrows as if she doesn't believe me.

"Please, no one doesn't like Harry. Even if you think you don't like him, you do. And it's usually not a bad thing for most girls but for a sweet girl like you, you deserve much more."

"Uhh thank you?" I say a little confused as she is complimenting me but also telling me I secretly like Harry as well, which is completely false, "but I don't like him".

She lets out a tiny laugh as she reads my expression, "Don't get me wrong, I love Harry to bits but I know what he's like and I know what you're like. The two of you just don't mesh well together. At all."

"Yeah I guess. Do you think it's going to be awkward?" I ask while imagining Harry and I barely speaking to one another anymore, making little contact as possible.

"No. It will only be awkward if you make it awkward by thinking there is more to it but both of you were absolutely trashed last night so if you both just think of it as a drunken hook-up then it'll be fine. No strings attached" she ends her small speech by standing up and flicking her hair over shoulders, "Nothing to worry about"

I give her a small smile and pray that she is right.

I get up from the bed to find I'm only in my black bra and knickers.

"I put some clothes out on the end of the bed for you Ella" Jodi calls from the bathroom, "you can just give them back to me whenever"

"Thank you Jodi" I call back gratefully, quickly putting on the plain white tee and denim shorts. The clothes are slightly lose but still fit me quite well.

"Hey Jodi, I think I'm going to head home. I've got so much to sort out before we go next week" I say standing in the bathroom doorway, watching as she applies some mascara.

She puts her makeup item on the bench before walking over to me and giving me a small hug, "Alright then, I'll see you sometime this week."

"Sounds good. Thanks for last night" I reply, giving her a small hug back before pulling away.

"No problem. I'll give you a txt tomorrow. Your bags just by the door" she says pointing to the small item hanging by a small hook.

I walk over and place the long strap over my shoulder, put on the same heels from last night which I'm sure look ridiculous, and make my way towards the elevator.

I push the button for the ground floor and pray there is a taxi waiting right out front so no one sees me in this state. My hairs an absolute mess, my makeup is probably smudged and I haven't even brushed my teeth. As soon as the elevator reaches the main lobby I walk as fast as I can past the main desk to which I can already see a cab waiting out on the main road. I quickly get it in the back before anyone sees me and direct the driver to my house.

As soon as we're moving I relax a little. I pull out my phone and unlock the screen to a photo of my brother and I when we were little though along with it has a message saying I have 8 new voice messages. I click the top of my phone and put it back in my bag, not wanting to deal with whatever those messages were about though I sure have a fair idea ...


The shower was warm and refreshing though it didn't really help the small headache I started to get on the taxi ride home. I wrap my towel around my body, and start to make my way to my room but stop when I hear a loud knock. I don't think twice about answering as I am sure it's just Jen wanting to get in as she forgot her key as usual.

I unlock the top bolt and open the door, "you know there's a spare key just-"

"Hey" Harry gives me a small wave before putting his hand back into his pocket.

"Uh... Hi um..." I was just about to try apologise for last night when I notice his eyes widen a little as he looks be up and down and I instantly remember I'm standing wet and naked, wearing only a towel.

"Oh god!" I say turning away and walking to my room, "um sorry I just need to get changed. Come in" I say shutting my bedroom door closed, not waiting to see if he came in or not.

Crap why am I so flustered! Relax it's just Harry... who's mouth you were moaning into last night my subconscious adds and I begin to panic again.

I quickly get dressed into a black singlet and jeans, but leave my wet hair out to dry. I throw my towel into my laundry basket and stop when I walk past my mirror. God I look terrible, not that I care, it's just Harry and in no way do I need to impress him.

I slowly open my bedroom, scared of what is about to happen next. As much as Jodi's talk gave me confidence that everything was going to be fine, I feel completely different now that I can see Harry is actually here. I finally step out from my room and I can already see him in the kitchen. His back is to me as he leans against the bench top, arms folded across his chest as he stares at my fridge that is covered in a few photos. I know it's not a big deal but I feel like he's seeing parts of my life in those photos that are not meant to be seen by him, seeing as I work for his father and him basically. I close my bedroom door shut so he knows I'm there, making him turn around and face me. He gives me a small smile though it's not the same one he usually greets me with when I bring him his tea in the morning. He's usually playful and happy to see me or annoy me, but this smile fades quickly and he begins to awkwardly shift from foot to foot. Oh crap this is going to be awkward, I can feel it filling the air around us which makes me feel completely uncomfortable as his green eyes burn into my while I walk towards him.

"Hi" I try to make eye contact with him but look away as I can't handle what I'm seeing. I don't want to admit it but he still looks so good. But it's a different kind of attraction I'm feeling. I've always known Harry was a looker but now I feel like I'm seeing him more than just a good looking guy. I actually feel like I'm a little attracted to him and I don't want to be. I know what he's like but I can't help but feel what I do as I'm standing in front of him right now.

"Hello" he says back though I still don't look up, scared that he will be able to tell what I'm thinking.

He usually points out what I'm thinking about during certain situations and I usually don't mind, but with this secret he cannot know.

"Did you check your phone this morning?" he asks and I know exactly what he's talking about. I know they're from him because that we're all messages sent between 2 and 4am which I think is just after Jodi and I left that club.

"Yeah. I had some voice mails but I haven't listened to them yet" I try to sound casual but my voice hitches at the end when I finally look up at him.

"Can I have your phone for a second?" he asks, and without hesitation I pull it out from my bag that's on the bench and hand it to him though I don't know why I am so obliged.

"You don't have a code?" he asks raising and eyebrow, giving me a small smile and I relax a little knowing the playful Harry hasn't completely disappeared because of last night.

I shake my head at him as my answer and he shakes it back in disapproval but I can see his dimple showing on the right side of his mouth. He finds it amusing though I don't know why.

"Who's this?" he asks staring down at the screen.

"My brother and I" I say taking a seat up on the bench but turn the chair slightly so it faces him.

"I didn't know you have a brother" he says clicking the screen randomly.

I don't really want to get into the whole brother story with Harry so I change the subject before it can go any further, "what are you doing on my phone?"

"Deleting the voice messages" he says continuing to push the screen.

"What? No they're my private messages. They could be important" I swipe my hand across to try and take my phone back but he steps back in time for me to miss without even looking up from the screen.

"They're not important" he frowns a little.

"How do you know?" I question even though I already know the answer.

"Cause they're from me" he says a little quieter and I can tell he's trying to hide his embarrassment, "it was nothing you needed to hear anyway"

I decide to not push it any further as whatever was in that message he obviously didn't want me to hear.
He hands me back my phone after a couple of minutes and I just play with it in my hands as I try to think of something to say.

"Well I'll see you next week" he says turning and walking towards the door.

"Wait that's all you came here for? To delete messages?" I stop him in his tracks and he turns around to face me as I remain seated at the bench.

"Yeah, what else would I come here for?" he says and I almost feel hurt even though I know he doesn't intend it.

"Well I thought that umm... we could talk about what happened last night.." I mutter off the last part as I don't really want to bring the subject up.

"What about it?" he says casually and I know he's pushing me to say something first.

"I don't know I guess I'm sorry for what I did last night" I say looking down at my hands in shame as I know we are both picturing the same image in our heads.

"Why are you saying sorry?" he says walking back over to me and I fill with nerves as he gets closer.

He stops barely a metre in front of me and I'm reminded of last night. Me sitting on the speaker, Harry in between my legs...

"I'm sorry that I kissed you-"

"I'm not" I hear him mutter.

I look up to see if he's joking but he looks more serious about this than I've ever seen him about anything before.

"What?" I ask extremely confused, wanting him to repeat the words I'm certain I heard. I was expecting him to use the excuse of a drunken hook up just like Jodi had said.

Within seconds his large hands are cupping my face and his lips are pressing hard against mine. I frown in retaliation but don't remove myself from his soft grip. Before I can stop myself I let out a small moan and pull him closer by tugging the front of his grey shirt. I can feel my skin burning up under his touch as he lightly brushes my cheek with his thumb. He teasingly runs his tongue along the inner part of my bottom lip. It's like he's kissing me for the first time, softly testing out his boundaries. After what seem like forever we both pull away, Harry resting his forehead to mine though I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to look up into his deep green ones as I am scared of what I might feel.

"I have to go" he whispers, a little out of breath and I look up just as he gives me a small kiss on the forehead and walks out my front door faster than I've ever seen.

What the hell.


Hey everyone!

Hope you had an awesome Christmas with your family. Tell me what you think about this chapter and I'll update as soon as all this busy festive stuff dies down :)

Enjoy ♥


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