Chapter 34

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"Please come over baby I'm cold" Vanessa spoke through the speaker as I continued driving down the highway.

I was just on my way home before Vanessa called and was eager for me to go over. We had been going out for just over a month and we still couldn't get enough of each other. I couldn't deny her request. I never would. Whatever she wanted I would give it to her.

"I'll be over in ten" I smile as I get off the next exit and make my way to her house.

I have a finals exam tomorrow for school but I don't care. If Vanessa needs me, I'll be there for her. Even if it means ruining my school results for my third to last year. It doesn't matter, as long as we have each other. I had only had a few minor relationships before, though at 16 I've found myself completely in love with the brunette stunner. Even though she's a bit older than me, I wouldn't change one thing about her. She's perfect in every single way.

I don't bother using her front door as I can already see her bedroom lamp on. She doesn't live with anyone else so I walk straight onto the small deck and knock lightly on the glass sliding door.

The light curtain is drawn back and I meet with a pair of bright blue eyes staring directly into mine, a pleased smile clear on her face.

She opens the door and immediately rushes into my arms.

"I missed you" she says as we sway in a warm embrace.

"I missed you too" I give her kiss, not needing to bend my head much as she is just shorter than me.

"Come inside, it's cold out" she sashays her way back into her room wearing a very short, silky flower patterned robe that barely covers her bum. Every step she takes makes the robe rise a little, giving me the perfect view of her round bum that's barely covered by the small amount of red lace.

I shut the door behind me and close the curtains, making the room softly lit by her one small bedside lamp. Vanessa pats next to her on the bed and I immediately join her. Taking off my boots before I lay down. She sits on top of me, the position I'm used to whenever I'm laying on her bed and we're just talking.

"Thank you for my necklace Harry. I love it" she says resting her chin on my chest.

"I thought you would" I say though I definitely knew she would since I saw her looking at it while we were shopping for my dads Aunts 80th birthday. She lingered near it for almost 10 minutes, admiring the bright green stones. It cost me a lot but it was well worth it to see the smile on my girls face.

She gives me a small smile before slowly moving up by body then places her lips against mine, her tongue already entering my mouth. Her kisses are sloppy and greedy, her hands running through my hair begging me to give her more. After a few minutes she pulls away panting, resting her forehead against mine as we try to regain our breath.

"Harry" she lifts her head away from mine so she can look down on me, flicking her hair to one side as she does so, "Do you want me to be your first?"

"Yes" I smile up at her and she back at me.

I've thought about it since the first day I met her at my friends, parents, wedding anniversary party. There were loads of people there but I only had eyes for one. She looked so amazing and I thought she was completely off limits since she seemed to be with some guy, who turned out to be just a friend, and she was almost 5 years older than me. But, deep down I knew, she would be mine...


"Harry I don't mean to be a party pooper but can I remind you that you've only been with her for 8 months! You're only just 17 and you haven't even started the real part of your relationship yet" Jodi protests though I ignore her and continue looking through the glass cabinets. She's been trying to make me change my decision ever since I told her.

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