Chapter 28

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Ellas POV:

I embrace Jodi's tight hug and she gives me a kiss on each cheek before letting me go. Zac gives me a bright smile before greeting Harry though Jodi doesn't bother, but instead wraps her arm around my waist and leans on my shoulder.

"Are you going to be my drinking buddy tonight?" she pouts her lip out and gives me the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"I don't think so Jodi" I can't help but laugh at her pleading eyes, "I'm still recovering from last night".

"Mmm Harry told me about that" she whispers into my ear, a hint of mischief in her voice.

"Told you about what?" I ask just to make sure, even though I think I know what she's talking about.

But surely Harry wouldn't have told her what we did, or what he did last night would he?

"About you, you naughty girl" she nudges me and I laugh nervously.

Oh god.

Are Harry and Jodi that close that they share things that intimate with each other?

"Don't worry, we don't usually talk about things like that and he didn't go in to any detail thank the lord. But, I just had to make sure he was looking after you cause you know, the 'V plates' aren't something you just toss out the window and I thought Harry should know that. He can be a bit cold hearted sometimes"

"Cold hearted?" I say looking down at the curly haired boy whose taking another large gulp of his beer.

Obviously I know he doesn't have the best track record of really loving a women but I wouldn't say he's cold hearted. He's very caring when he needs to be or when he finds something worth caring for. Zac is in deep conversation with Harry and the bar tender and I thank god he can't hear our conversation.

"Yes, you know this Ella. He's a loving boy my friend Harry but he's a bastard none the less. Just make sure things are crystal clear between you two before you jump the gun ok?"

"Uhhmm ok?" I say a little confused.

What is she talking about? Obviously my virginity, but it sort of seems like she's saying I shouldn't be with Harry or something? I don't know... Maybe it's just the alcohol that's making her blurt out all this random stuff.

"Good. Remember my love, communication is key" she points her finger at me and I can't help but smile as she slowly blinks her eyes.

Yes, definitely drunk.

"Drink please!" Jodi tries to get the barmaids attention as she leans over the wooden bench top.

"Are you alright?" I hear Harry's low murmuring voice in my ear say as his hands make their way around my waist from behind.

"Yeah" I say placing my hands on top of his large ones that now rest on my stomach.

"Aww look at you two" Jodi says to us before swiping her card and entering her pin.

I look back at Harry giving him a small kiss on the cheek getting a small smile in return, though he then glares at Jodi who raises her eyebrows at him.

"Well aren't you just the cutest" Jodi smiles again at the two of us and I hear Harry let out a huge sigh.

"Ignore her, she's drunk" Harry whispers in to my ear sounding slightly annoyed.

"She's not harming anyone" I say quietly, watching as she finally gets her drink, sipping the straw while trying to innocently look at Zac who has now joined us and is shaking his head at her but smiling all the mean while.

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