Chapter 7

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Ellas POV:

It was almost 10'clock and I was just walking into the office, just on time for the meeting with Mr.Styles. I bought him a latte on the way here even though he didn't order one.

I knocked lightly on the door and waited for him to invite me in which only took a couple of seconds. He was sitting in his huge leather chair as usual looking very deep in thought.

"Morning Mr.Styles" I greet him as I take a seat in the familiar grey chair and hand him his coffee.

"Thank you Ella that was very kind of you" he smiles, thanking me for the coffee as he takes a small sip.

"So," he says putting the hot takeaway cup in front of him, "how are you coming to terms with the whole England situation?"

"I'm very excited. This afternoon I am going to start looking at apartments in the London city centre so I am close to work as well as start organising the shipment of my belongings" I say and a heavy weight feels as though it just thrust itself upon me as I realise the amount of things I need to sort out within two weeks.

How am I supposed to find an apartment in London? Where do I even start? Maybe I should just stay in a motel for a few nights until I find something suitable. I have more than enough money saved up to do so, so maybe I should do that rather than making a deposit on an apartment I haven't even looked at myself. I feel like I need to see the apartments in person before I make any commitments, that way I can see if they really feel like a home to me. I am afraid of moving countries but I'm not that afraid of living by myself. I had been flatting with my best friend Jen for the past two years and she was usually at her boyfriend's house so I was use to the quiet.

"Good, though I have an offer to make you" he says leaning forward on his desk.

What more could he have to offer me?

"Though you may not admit it to me, I know moving to another country by yourself can be quite a daunting thing, especially at your age. 20 is quite young for someone to move away from their family to a place they have never been before to start a new life" he says softly, raising his slowly greying eyebrows.

"Yeah I guess so" I agree with him and I shuffle nervously in my seat.

I hope he doesn't think I'm that worried about it that he tells me not to come. Of course I want to go I'm just nervous is all. I've never been to England before and I'm not going to know anyone there besides Mr.Styles, Harry and Dan. They're my work colleagues not my friends or my family. Though I would say Harry falls under neither of those categories, he's more like a plus one that comes with my job.

"Well I don't want you to stress yourself out too much so I would like to offer you to move in with Harry and I" he says and I'm more than shocked.

Live with Harry and Mr.Styles? My boss! Is he crazy?

"It's not that I don't appreciate the offer sir it's just um..." I say but struggle to find the words to kindly decline him.

"I know you want to find your own apartment but rather than stressing yourself trying to find one while you're over here, you can stay with us while you look for one. We have two small guest houses at the back which is separate from the main house which you can live in whilst you look for somewhere to stay" he says and I'm baffled by his words.

This is so generous of him though I shouldn't be surprised. His generosity has been shown many times over the short three years I have worked for him and I have seen no one more caring for his employees than him.

"What about Dan?" I ask curiously, wondering if he had made the same offer.

"Yes he politely declined yesterday morning as he has relatives in London whom he has already spoken too. He will be moving in with his Aunt for a couple of weeks while trying to find his own place also" he says and I'm immediately jealous.

At least he has a family he can look to for support over there. I have no one. I literally am on my own and the realization is making Mr.Styles offer more and more tempting.

"That would actually help me out a lot Mr.Styles, thank you "

"Well it's the least I can do for my young P.A. I appreciate your work ethic Ella and over the past 3 years you have been the most dedicated worker I have. You even have to put up with my son" he smiles and I let out a small laugh.

"I almost consider you as one of my own Ella and I don't intend on letting you fend for yourself in the big bad world that is England. Accept the offer and then you can comfortably settle into the London branch before setting off into the busy town of London yourself" he finishes.

I think for a few moments before giving him a final answer. He is right. He has treated me with the most respect one could receive from their boss, giving me much more than I needed and I appreciated every second of it. He was never harsh or punished me for making mistakes, but instead helped me to improve my working standards and learn from my mistakes.

"Thank you Mr.Styles, that's very kind of you" I finally give in, receiving a huge smile in response, his eyes crinkling in the corners just as Harry's do when he's overly happy.

"I won't stay for long though. I'll go looking for apartments right away" I promise, already not wanting to over stay my welcome.

"Nonsense Ella. You take as much time as you need. The guest house is at least 50 meters away so we'll hardly notice each other" he reassures me.

"Thank you so much Mr.Styles" I say standing to my feet.

"It's my pleasure" he smiles giving me solid handshake before sitting back in his chair.

I turn to leave though I stop when I reach the door ad Mr.Styles calls after me just as I open it.

"So I hear you are going out on the town with my son and a few of his friends tomorrow night?" he asks much to my surprise.

"No" I say honestly, shaking my head.

"He seems to think you're going" he says leaning back in his chair, a small smile on his face.

Thank god he's not angry. I don't want him to think I'm in anyway getting involved with his son like the rest of the females in the company have.

"Uhh I didn't intend to go so no" I say again, still holding the door open.

"You should go" he says and I'm shocked he would encourage this. He knows I'm underage.

"It's your last couple of weeks in New York, enjoy it!" he almost mimics Harry's words and I can see he's humoured by my shocked expressions.

"I'll consider it" I try to smile though I have no plans in doing so, especially with Harry!

I've been at his home a few times when he's come stumbling through the door after a late night out and it's not exactly something I want to get involved with...


Wednesday Night

"I think that's very kind of him" my mum says through the phone as I take a seat on my soft bed. I just told her about the news of Mr.Styles offering me to stay in their guest house and she couldn't seem more happy about me having some sort of support while I'm over there though I'm still not sure of the offer myself. I am grateful but I still think it's weird that I'm going to be living in my boss's guest house.

"Yes very! I was thinking about- hold on a second mum" I say as a loud knock comes from the front door.

I walk past the kitchen and to the large door, opening it hesitantly as I was not expecting anyone today since Jen left to stay at her boyfriends just a couple of hours ago.

Once I open the door I immediately come face to face with a pair of deep green eyes.

"Harry?" I say a little confused by his visit and by the two people standing behind him.

"Ella" he smiles taking a step into my apartment and I move out of the way for him and his two followers.

"Mum I'll call you back" I say into the phone before hanging it up. What was he doing here?

"This is Jodie and Zac, they're my friends from back home" he says introducing me to the blonde girl and boy.

"Hi" I smile and only Zac gives me a smile back as Jodie looks around the apartment with her blue eyes, making me immediately intimidated by her.

"So is there something I can do for you?" I say a little awkwardly as I stand before them wearing my track pants and singlet along with my reading glasses as it was what I had previously been doing before my mum rang.

"I just stopped by to drop Jodie off" he says walking back towards the door with Zac.

"Oh" is all I manage to say as I am completely confused by what is going on and plus I'm a little on edge as I stand next to Jodie alone now.

"Jodie's going to help you get ready" he says and I follow him.

"Ready for what?" I ask as we both reach the door and he turns to face me.

"Tonight. We're going out remember"

"No you're going out" I say.

I never agreed to going out.

"I knew you would say that but I don't care. You're going to enjoy at least one night out before we go" he says and shuts the door closed for me, leaving me alone in the room with Jodie.

"Pushy one isn't he" Jodie comments from behind me. Her accent isn't as thick as Harry's though you can still hear it in her voice.

I turn and see that she has a huge bag strapped over her shoulder which I hadn't noticed before.

"Yeah you could say that" I say putting the phone back on its charge and I see her smiling a little which makes me relax. I guess we have come to some sort of agreement.

"Look you don't need to help me because I'm not going" I say as gently as I can.

I don't want to come off as rude but I have no intention of going. I didn't even think Harry would remember asking me to go to town tonight.

"Harry said you would say that" she smiles, "but he told me you hardly ever go out and he wants you to experience what New York has to offer at least once before you leave for god forsaken England"

"Aren't you from England?" I ask as she speaks ill of her country.

"Yes. And I love it to bits but I have lived there all my life so I guess I'm beginning to seek further adventures now"

"Fair enough" I say walking over to the couch and take a seat.

"So why don't you want to go out?" she asks joining me.

"The whole party scene isn't really my thing" I say looking down at my hands.

I know I shouldn't be embarrassed of my choices but I know most people my age are out partying, and when I tell people I'm not really into that sort of thing, they look at me like I'm crazy. Even Harry did when he realized I was the 'stay at home' type of girl.

"Well one night isn't going to hurt you. Besides, if you really hate it you can always just come home" she smiles and my perspective of her changes immediately as she didn't look at me once as if I was strange for wanting to stay home.

"I don't know. You said yourself Harry's pushy. What if he makes me stay out?"

"I'll make you a deal. As soon as you want to go home, I'll come with you and I'll make damn sure Harry doesn't stop us" she says and I instantly believe her.

She seems like a nice girl but also one who doesn't let anyone get in her way of what she wants.

"Ok" I give in and she smiles instantly.

"Yay! Besides you wouldn't let me be the only girl going out with all the boys tonight would you?" she asks standing to her feet.

"I guess not" I say, surprised by her sudden friendliness as she pulls me to my feet.

"Right then, let's get started. We only have a couple of hours before the boys get back" she says picking up her bag from the floor, "Where's your room?"

"This way" I say leading her into my brightly lit bedroom.

She puts her huge bag on my queens sized bed and immediately heads for my wardrobe.

"What do you plan on wearing?" she asks as she looks through my clothes.

"Uhh I didn't really have anything planned to wear" I say and I start to think about the possible outfits I have in my drawers though nothing springs to mind.

"Hmm...don't worry" she says walking over to her bag and unzipping the top pocket, "You can wear something of mine"

I look at her current attire and panic instantly as she wears a very tight fitted black and red dress that I would never dare to wear. It's far too short for my liking and I have never been that comfortable to show that much of my legs before. Although she does look stunning, it really isn't my style and I'm afraid she's going dress me in something similar.

"Don't worry, I won't put you in anything too revealing but we still have to make you look a little older to surpass the random cops that every once and a whole come into the clubs" she says pulling a couple of black items from her bag and placing them on her bed.

"How old are you?" she asks turning to me now.


"Thought so" she sighs walking towards me.

"Right I want you to make me a deal" she says looking me straight in the eye and I finally get a good look at her bright blue eyes. They're stunning.

"If I promise to go home with you whenever you want, you have to promise to not argue with how I doll you up tonight"

"Only as long as I still look like me. I don't want to look too different like have to much makeup or something" I explain as thoughts of her caking on makeup flowing through my mind.

"I won't I promise. I'll keep it as simple as I can" she smiles, reaching out her hand and I shake it hesitantly. What am I getting myself into?

"Let's start with these" she says pulling my glasses off my face and placing them on my dresser.

She comes to the conclusion that I shouldn't look at myself until the very end and I agree with her, knowing I will probably back out as soon as I see what she's doing to me.

We talk about a lot of things while she does my hair and makeup and I'm surprised at how easily we keep conversation.

She's currently in a relationship with Zac whom she's been with for almost a year now. She's 23. Is an only child. Works for a fashion company in London though she is on holiday for 5 weeks and is spending her last 3 travelling America before she goes home. She's known Harry for almost her entire life as they had been going to school together since the beginning though she never felt anything else towards him other than friendship and I told her I'm the same. She pretty much tells me her whole life story, and I her, which for some reason I feel completely comfortable talking to her about. She 'mmms' and 'aaaahs' as I tell her about the situation of my dad leaving my mum for another women 4 years ago and how I haven't spoken to him since. She relates to the story also, telling me her parents divorced when she was 12 and it ended in a long and horrible custody battle between the two though she still talks to both her parents.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" she asks sitting on my bed as she waits for me to change down to my underwear since it's almost time to go.

"No" I say simply, pulling my track pants down to my ankles then chucking them in my washing.

I've only known her a couple of hours and I already feel comfortable stripping in front of her.

"Is there a story behind that?" she asks handing me a black skirt after I take my singlet off.

"No not really. I just have never found anyone that I really fancied" I say stepping into the slim black piece, pulling it high above my hips but Jodie pulls it back down so it rests on my mid torso.

"So you've never had a boyfriend?" she asks and I give her a simple shake of the head.

"My god have you ever kissed a boy?!" she says wide eyed and I laugh.

"Yes of course" I say and she relaxes.

I've kissed a couple of guys in college but they never really lead to anything serious. They only wanted one thing and there was no way I was giving it up that easily.

"Oh thank goodness" she sighs, "here this is the last piece."

I take the small black top for her and raise it in front of me so I can have a good look.

"This is tiny" I say looking at the very short, v-cut top.

"You promised" she says raising her eye brows and I let out a small sigh of defeat, pulling the small top over my black bra.

The top is definitely too short but I get the feeling it's supposed to be. It exposes the entire top half of my torso and I feel immediately insecure.

"Don't do that" Jodie's pulls my hands away from my stomach, "You have a babein bod! So don't be afraid to show it".

"Thanks" I say shyly as she walks me towards my mirror.

"Oh wait close your eyes!" she says and I immediately does as she asks.

"Put these on first" she says handing me my nude heels and I'm grateful I get to wear something I'm comfortable in. They're probably the best heels I have. They look nice and they're comfortable which is why I wear them a lot to work.

"Alright then, take a look" she says stepping me into the view of the mirror.

I'm surprised at first. She was right, she did keep me fairly natural aside from the dark red colour that stained my lips and a little black eyeliner on my top lid with some mascara. My hair was in natural looking waves that fell to my shoulders which looked seemingly nice though I wasn't use to it as I hardly ever wear my hair out. The outfit she had picked out for me was absolutely stunning and complimented my frame perfectly though I was still unsure of the amount of torso I was showing. I pull the skirt up a little higher but put it back down to where Jodie had placed it previously as the hem was getting far too close to my black underwear.

"So what do you think?" she says with an expectant smile.

"I think I like it" I say honestly now that I have taken a few minutes to get used to it. I would never have dressed like this though aside from the midriff I don't mind it at all.

"Yay" she smiles and gives me a small hug from behind and I giggle at her pleased reaction.

I loud knocking comes from the door and I'm guessing it's the boys.

"I just need to brush my teeth" I say walking to my small bathroom that is connected to my room.

"Ok I'll get it" she says and walks to get the door.

I apply a small amount of tooth paste as I don't want to make my mouth too foamy and risk staining the black top. As I brush my teeth I look in the mirror and notice she did apply some foundation a bronzer to my face though you can hardly notice it. It's very subtle though my lashes are almost twice the length they usually are and I must say they look amazing.

I rinse my mouth, then dab the corners with the towel, careful not to wipe the lipstick off before going back into my room.

I grab a small black and gold bag, putting my cellphone, cards and lip balm into it before walking out into the lounge.

The boys have their backs to me as they sit on the couch, Harry now wearing a black snap back, though Jodie sees me walk in.

"Here she is" she smiles as she stands to her feet and I feel a bunch of nerves filling my body as I contemplate how Harry will react when he sees me. I'm guessing he's going to laugh or say something stupid like he always. If he acts like a complete moron the entire night I'm definitely leaving.

Both the boys stand to their feet and turn around, Harry's mouth seemingly falling open as soon as his eyes land on me.

"Wow" he mutters, eyeing me from head to toe, and a rush of heat floods to my cheeks as I feel him take in every inch of my body...

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