Chapter 25

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"Ha-Harry" I stutter as he starts leaving wet kisses along my stomach, my dressed pushed up to just under my bra.

"Mmm" he mumbles against my skin in reply, the vibration from the throaty sound tingling my skin.

"I-" I begin to say but stop when his hands run up the remainder of my bunched up dress, cupping my breasts and squeezing them gently making me moan.

I can hardly think straight with the amount of alcohol coursing through my blood and especially with Harry touching me this way. With every small kiss Harry gently sucks, sending a pulsating sensation running down to my lower torso. He nears the edge of my panties and my breath hitches when he hooks one finger at the top.

"Harry wait" I breath, surprised that I was even able to bring myself to speak clearly in this state.

"What is it?" he asks looking up at me with glazed eyes.

We are both so drunk I can't help but wonder if we'd be doing this if we were sober.

He lets go of the black material and crawls over top of me, both knees either side of my waist, his arms holding up his weight as he looks down at me.

"You ok?" he smiles a little and I look nervously to the side, "what's wrong?" He says nudging his nose against my cheek playfully so I turn back to him.

"Umm... I've never umm... done this kind of thing before" I say looking up at him nervously.

Thank god I'm still drunk otherwise I would probably be on the other side of the room right now hiding in embarrassment but luckily I feel alright. Almost calm though I don't know why since I was saying this to Harry. Out of anyone I would expect him to mock me but instead he continues smiling at me.

"Really? You never..." He trails off as we both know what he's asking.

"No" I say shaking my head, looking down at my ruffled up sparkly dress that bunches up between his chest and mine.

"Well we don't have to do that" he says giving me a small kiss on the corner of my mouth and I relax knowing he's not going to pressure me into doing anything. "Can I just ask why you haven't?"

"Do we have to talk about this now?" I grumble as I feel the embarrassment setting in. I always knew I would have to have this conversation with someone at some point but never did I ever think it would be with Harry.

"No" he laughs a little and I know it's cause he likes the fact that I'm flushing.

"Has anyone ever touched you before?" He asked cocking an eyebrow, still smiling a little.

I shake my head in response and he lets out a short, quiet, amused laugh before nestling his lips just below my ear lobe, kissing me sweetly before whispering in my ear "You're going to love it.

I take in a sharp breathe at his words, contemplating what's going to happen next.

He then props himself up, still with one leg either side of my body though he now sits over my thighs.

"Sit up" he commands reaching his hands out for me to take.

I do as he says, my head spinning a little as I do so though I'm able to keep myself stable.

"This needs to be off" he slurs with a small smirk, his hands trailing up my sides once again, then pulling the tight material over my head, throwing it on the floor.

"Mmmm" he licks his lips and I cover my face with my hands as he takes me in like a piece of meat he wants for dinner.

"And these have to be here" he says gently, taking my hands away from my face and wrapping them around the back of his neck.

His lips press gently against mine as his hands hold my waist, guiding me back down to the bed so he is on top of me once again.

"That's better" he smiles against my mouth, running his hands up my sides before pressing his lips against mine once more.

This time he kisses with a little more force and I open my mouth slightly, letting his tongue slip in to move with mine. My hands move from his neck, and down his back, my nail digging in slightly as he begins leaving small suckles down my neck and in between my breasts.

"I should have taken this off" he says looking down at the white lace that covers the area, as if he is thoroughly disappointed by it being there.

"Oh well, I guess I'll just skip this one and move straight to the jackpot" he smirks up at me and I giggle at his stupid humor.

As nervous as I am for whatever he is about to do, Im happy that he could still make me smile even in the most nerve wrecking times. I had never done anything like this before though I had a fair idea what was coming next. He continued planting small kisses down my torso, his body shuffling downwards as he does so. Without warning he parted my legs, lying his body between the two as he continued kissing down my right hip and onto my leg, every so often slipping his tongue out to give me a short hot lick, sending electric flashes running to my lower stomach. He started making his way across my thigh until stopping at the black lace. I couldn't watch as his fingers traced up my legs to the top of my knickers, hooking his fingers once again and pulling them right down to the bottom of my legs before lifting my feet and pulling them right off. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. And I was just letting him do this. Letting Harry see me in my most exposed state yet not feeling the least bit regretful, if anything I was pleased.

"Ready?" he smiled up at me mischievously but before I could answer his tongue came in full contact with my centre making me moan out in both surprise and pleasure.


I twist the sheets in my hands as he continues to move his tongue around me, making me move involuntarily as this foreign feeling of satisfaction radiates through out my entire body.

I bite down on my lip, trying to suppress another loud moan but it escapes as soon as Harry's tongue moves up towards a place I never believed could give me so much enjoyment.

"Sit still" he says sucking a little while holding my hips down as they continue to quiver under his touch.

"Harry" I moan out again, my hips rising from the mattress, yearning for more.

"Mmm that's it baby" he mumbled, slowly reaching his hands up my torso as he continues to pleasure me, forcing his hands up under my bra.

I didn't think the new found placement for his hands would do anything but boy I was I wrong. The feelings moving from my centre only intensified with every squeeze.

Within moments an intense pulsation from my centre begins moving through out my body, making me completely numb yet heightening every fibre within my body. The feeling grows stronger and I feel my legs starting to go weak and with one last suckle from Harry's lips I feel all the tension leave my body as I find my release.


After riding out what I could not explain more than the most amazing feeling ever, I look down to find Harry licking his lips, looking up at me with the most devilish look as I try to calm my heavy breathing.

He slowly climbs over top of me once more, his nose nudging mine, his necklace falling onto my rising chest.

"How was that?" he says giving me a small peck on the nose before rolling off and laying beside me.

I am actually speechless which is a first for me seeing as I usually have a strong opinion, especially when it comes to Harry. But I couldn't describe nor explain how amazing that was.

"Thought so" he says as if he heard my unspoken answer.

I roll my eyes at his cocky remark and he lets out a small laugh, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Harry" I say quietly looking up at him, his eyes closed as he rests peacefully on the fluffy white pillow.


"Can I ...put my underwear back on?" I ask a little embarrassed though I can't help but feel a little exposed just lying here with just a bra on while he lies fully clothed.

"Why?" he chuckles, his eyes opening slightly as he looks down at me.

I shrug in response.

"I just made you come under my tongue and you want to put your panties back on?"

"Yes!" I speak up, not wanting to hear of what just happened out loud.

"How about I put them back on for you..."he says sliding his hand from my waist, down to my front.

"No!" I squirm under his touch, giggling as I finally get out off the bed.

"Fine. Have it your way" he sighs dramatically before closing his eyes and placing his arms behind his head, "But just to let you know, I could have you screaming my name again in seconds if you wanted me too"

I could see a smirk playing at his lips even though he couldn't see my gob smacked reaction to his offer. As amazing as that was I could barely walk straight as I trampled around in search for my underwear, and I highly doubt my body would be able to handle so much pleasure in such a short space of time. I finally find the black lace, pulling it up my legs and over my bum, a bit more relaxed now that I'm at least covering the important parts.

I walk slowly over to my draws that contain all my clothes for the next two weeks, pulling out a long t-shirt.

"No pyjamas" Harry mumbles from the bed.

"I just want to-"

"No pyjamas" he insists and I let out a sigh, throwing my t-shirt back into the draw before walking back over to the bed.

I must be pretty drunk to listen to anything Harry has to say cause I know damn sure if I was sober I would have put up a fight at him for trying to tell me what to do. I shuffled under the covers, making myself comfortable but then looked down to notice Harry still had his boots on.

His dirty shoes are on my bed!

"Harry are you going to take your clothes off?" I say looking down at his tight black jeans that I must so don't look at all comfortable to sleep in.

"Mmm" he answers not opening his eyes.

"Or your shoes?" I add looking at the scruffy brown boots though he doesn't reply.

"Harry...Harry" I repeat a little louder but he doesn't answer me.

"Harry..." I try one more time.

Oh god he's asleep isn't he. Great.

I let out a huge sigh as I push back the duvet, scrambling to the end of the bed to take of his shoes.

I untie the laces then pull off each shoe with a huge heave before placing them on the floor. Harry doesn't say anything or even flinch at the slightly harsh movements. I then crawl up either side of his legs straddling his lap as I unbuckle his belt. I have to literally push and pull so many times before the belt actually makes it's way around all the loops in his jeans that were pressed tightly around the back. How is he not awake right now? I just tossed and turned him, the bed bouncing slightly as I struggled to pull the belt. He must be far drunk to pass out that quick though he didn't seem it earlier. I place the belt next to me then reach for his jean button, undoing it with ease before moving to his zip. The zip makes it to half way before stopping and I let out a small groan in frustration. I tug at it multiple times as harshly as I can but it doesn't budge.

"Oohh c'mon!" I groan as I re-zip it back up before trying to pull it back down once again.

"Woah Ella! If you wanted to see it you could of just asked" Harry smiles at me, his eyes full of humor, not a trace of tiredness in them.

"You idiot. Were you awake the whole time?" I say letting go of the stubborn zip.

"Yeah" his smile grows wider, the large dimple coming out in full parade.

"You lazy ass" I slap his chest and he grabs my hand, pulling me down on top of him.

"Sorry" he smiles before planting a kiss on my lips, "I couldn't resist".

"Well you can do the rest yourself" I say trying to get off him but his hands are firmly hugging me towards him.

"You don't want to finish it?" he looks up at me with hazy eyes.

"No" I say quietly as I don't know if he's talking about undressing him or something else...

"Don't worry, you will one day" he smirks and I narrow my eyes at him though I can't hold it for long as a small smile breaks through.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" he asks, his finger tips tracing soft lines up and down my back.

"Yes, I finally got what I wanted" I say looking down at the beautiful boy who finally admitted his feelings towards me.

"Me too" He smiled lightly before leaning up and kissing me sweetly.


Hope you liked the chapter :) xx

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