Chapter 41

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Ella's POV:

"Good morning Ella" Mr.Styles greets me as we both step into the elevator.

"Morning" I try and smile though I can feel it didn't come across as genuine since I don't feel it either.

Not only am I tired from talking to Jodi for what seemed like hours, but I also couldn't get to sleep because Harry was the only thing on my mind. It was so obvious he was lying about leaving me to go help out a friend, and I just don't understand why. A million reasons enter my thoughts but the main one is that he just isn't that interested anymore. Maybe he's bored with me and wants to move on just like he does with every other girl. I know it's mean to assume this but I can't help but think of his past and compare it to what is happening between us right now.

"Ella?" Mr.Styles says and I bring myself out of my own thoughts.

"Sorry Mr.Styles, what was that?" I apologize, concentrating hard on what he has to say as I don't what to seem rude.

"I asked if you are okay" he gives me a small smile.

"Yes sorry, I just, there's a lot of things on my mind" I smile hoping he doesn't notice how out of the zone I am just thinking about Harry.

"How was last night? The tower is beautiful isn't it?" He says just as we reach the top floor.

"I wouldn't know" I half laugh and he looks at me confusedly.

"Harry and I didn't go" I explain as we walk down the office hall, Mr.Styles eyebrows now forming a small frown.

"Why?" He asks once we reach his office, him opening it for me so I can walk through first.

"Harry had to do something else" I say as we both sit down either side of the large glass desk.

"What?" he asks and I almost laugh at how irritated he's acting.

He almost looks as frustrated as I did when I watched as Harry walked off without a single kiss good bye.

"I'm not too sure. Something about his friend needing help, I don't know" I shake my head just thinking of his pathetic excuse that I'm 99% sure was a lie.

Mr.Styles rolls his eyes and lets out a huge sigh, "That boy"

"Yup" I agree with a small laugh and he joins me.

"Well make sure you go before we fly home" he says pulling out some files from his brief case to which I hand him the ones I looked over last night when I couldn't get to sleep.

"I will" I say, already thinking about booking a ticket for it tomorrow night.

We're only here for 3 more nights and I refuse to leave without seeing the tower. My mum would probably kill me too. She always wanted to take me herself but she was always so busy with work and trying to sort things out with my dad that we never really had a chance. I wish she was here with me. My mum has always been that perfect balance between a role model and friend. She gets on my nerves a lot but we always laugh it off later on.

"I typed up the quote for the building on Spencer's" I say handing him the single paper that holds the offer for a small building Mr.Styles is selling on a busy street back in New York.

"Perfect, Thank you Ella" He says looking over the file, "So when is our first meeting this morning?"

"In about 20 minutes" I say looking down at my small silver watch and he gives me a small nod in response while continuing to look over the quote.

Both of us stay silent now, and usually I would leave and go busy myself with something else but I can't move. That nagging question at the back of my mind won't let me leave.

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