Chapter 42

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Hey :) just quickly...

So I just went to #9 on the fanfic list! Which is awesome! So thank you guys soo much for reading, commenting, and voting! I really appreciate it, and even if I'm only ranked there for an hour, I don't care, I still think you guys are awesome for getting me there so thanks!

Updates: Some of you are asking about updates etc. I don't have a schedule, I just randomly do it when I feel like writing or have and idea so sorry for the inconsistent updates! I try not to leave it for a whole week though! :)

And this has nothing to do with the story but... Holy Shit. I went to Bruno Mars last night and I just- I literally can not tell you how cool he is. If he's touring in your town you have to go! Even if you don't like him, you will after that show! He's just... I don't even know. He's just a cool dude, like for real he's a sexy mofo.

Anyways, back to the story... enjoy lovelies!



Ellas POV:

"Are you hungry?" Dan asks just as we both get into a taxi.

"Yeah a little" I say, buttoning up my jacket.

Even though it's warmer in the car, it's still freezing cold, my thin layers not helping to keep my body heat in at all.

"We should get something to eat before we go. I went to this really nice restaurant the other night just down the road" he explains and I feel my insides churn a little.

I don't really want to go to dinner with him as I'm scared he's starting to get the wrong idea about what this is. He seems to be moving closer by the second, his hand accidentally brushing mine a couple of times so I place them on my lap.

"I don't know..." I say slowly, hoping he takes his offer back so we can go straight to the tower.

"We'll be quick I swear. And trust me, you won't want to miss out on the food at this place" he gives me a small smile and I can tell he's just trying to be nice but I still can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Please Ella. I would really love to take you out to dinner. Just once. I've been meaning to talk to you about something anyways" he looks at me with soft pleading eyes to which I can't shut down.

"Uh okay" I give in and he gives me another smile, obviously happy with my answer.

"Perfect" he says before instructing the driver to pull over just ahead.

I nervously play with my hands in my lap, unsure of what it is he has to talk to me about. Maybe it's what he wanted to tell me on the phone the other morning. I hope it's something about Mr.Styles or work and nothing else. Dan's really nice and all, but he's just that. Nice. He's a friend, and I hope he doesn't think anything more of me than that though his constant lingering gazes and hand brushing would suggest otherwise. Maybe this isn't such a good idea. As much as I want to see the tower, I really wanted to go with Harry, and even though he hasn't called me back I still feel like it's a bad idea if I go with Dan. I know Harry will probably be angry at me for even coming out with Dan but he can't say I didn't try and get hold of him first.

We eventually pull over in front of a small little restaurant, Dan refusing to let me pay for the taxi so eventually I get out and wait on the side walk. He soon joins me, placing his hand on my lower back once again as he leads me into the dimly lit restaurant. I try to speed up my walking pace so his hand loses contact but he keeps up, and manages to keep his hand there until we get to the main desk when he finally drops it.

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