Chapter 78

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Ellas POV:

Looking at my mums face, I felt as if I were about to cry again. But I couldn't, I wouldn't let myself. I had just spent the last 8 hours as a bubbling mess on a plane much to my embarrassment. I tried to be discrete but by the confused and wary look of the guy next to me, I'm guessing some people knew I wasn't enjoying the flight. It was hard getting on the plane without turning around and running back to him. But just because he knows I didn't do anything, doesn't change what he's done or more importantly who.

Just as my mum brushes past a few people, I quickly take in a deep breath, steadying myself before finally greeting her after so long.

"My darling girl!" she almost cries, but smiles widely as she embraces me in a tight hug, a hug that I've missed and needed for a very long time.

"Hi mum" I mumble a little as she pulls me closer, my face being nuzzled against her shoulder.

The warmth of her hug is exactly what I needed. I needed to feel safe, to feel at home. Something I now know only my mother can give me now.

"I've missed you sweetie" she says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling away. "How was the flight? Not too long?"

"It was okay" I lie, knowing every minute I could just feel myself getting further and further away from him.

But I shouldn't feel bad and I shouldn't feel guilty. This is what I need to do though, I need to move on. And if moving back here is the first step, then so be it.


"Ella!" a group of girls voices shrill as soon as I walk in the door of my old family home.

I'm imagining myself wide eyed and frightened for a moment as I take in the surprising scene in front of me.

"We'll talk about it later" my mum whispers to me before giving my hand a small squeeze and taking my bags to the room.

I'm guessing she's talking about Harry seeing as she mentioned him in the car and I froze up about it. I asked if we could talk about it at home rather than in the car to which she agreed, but now I'm faced with all my girl friends and to be honest, I think this is what I need.

"We've missed you silly girl!" Jackie says, pulling me into a big hug before stepping aside for Rosie and Alex to consume me in a three way bear hug.

"Hi girls" I laugh, almost getting teary as I never realized how much I actually missed them.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay upstate or something?" I ask them and they all give me a small shrug.

"I got a job as a manager at a small shop downtown" Jackie says with a proud perfect smile though both Rosie and Alex roll their eyes.

"What?" I ask, watching them as they smirk at Jackie who's pale skin starts to turn red.

"That's not the only reason she came back" Rosie winks with a cheeky grin, flicking her long ginger hair back before walking off to the kitchen with sass.

I laugh at her mannerisms, she always over dramatizes things, all an act though of course.

"So am I missing something here?" I ask curiously, knowing full well something's going on.

I look between Jackie and Alex, waiting for someone to respond when finally Jackie puts her hand out to me, showing off a huge diamond ring.

"Holy crap" I spit out, covering my mouth as I hold her hand in mine, looking at the oversized ring that looks like it's worth a million dollars.

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