Peridot's weapon

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Can Peridot summon a weapon? That is the question I will try to answer...or theorize about it.

Many people say she can't because she's a technician gem, not meant to actually fight. But there is a flaw in that logic. Using that same logic, we can also say Pearl should not be able to summon a weapon, because they are made to order servants. As seen in her early years at Rose's side she had swords. So that means at some point in time she learned how to summon a weapon. And with that said, Peridot could learn how to summon her weapon, if she was trained. 
But what about Lapis. By the looks of it she was a court and so was Sapphire. Well, we all know they both manipulate water, as a solid or liquid respectively. Peridot can manipulate metals, Like Magneto from the X-Men.So there is a chance they can all summon weapons. Well...more or less no. It has been confirmed Lapis don't have a weapon, but Sapphire may. 
And most of you are thinking" What does this have to do with Peridot's weapon?" Well the answer is everything. 
Peridot stated she was an Era 2. Meaning she was made after the rebellion. Homeworld was short on materials. It was shown she doesn't have certain abilities like shapeshifting. She is shown to be able to bubble gems, but that is a far as we know of her abilities. She needed those enhancers to defend herself if need be. conclusion...There is a chance she can't summon a weapon. 

But that's just a thought. Let me know what you think in the comments. Also pray for Florida and the Caribbean. Hurricane Matthew  is moving my way( I live in the Coastal Plains of Ga) I will try to keep you guys posted. But according to reports it could go from a category 4 to a category 2 by the time it hits where I live. Love you and stay safe out there.   

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