Welcome the the SU Shaded Tea Room. Where I throw shade left and right, discuss episodes, songs, ships,and theories. Feel free to comment who will be roasted or episode you want me to discuss.
Why did Lapis leave? Like seriously. What was the purpose in leaving. Peridot tried to convince her to stay. But she wasn't having it. Supposedly to avoid getting caught in the middle of another war. But she could have left the barn. So spoilers.....But seeing how you're reading this who cares. Now everything stated in this is purely speculation .
But seriously...Why did Lapis leave? Going along with my theory of Lapis being a spy, her leaving is possibly a signal of her job being down. Now her original job was to terraform the earth so it would support gem life. Now with abilities she was then used as a spy and informant during the rebellion due to a shortage of Aquamarines. Now why would Lapis leave, if she was labelled a traitor to Homeworld. Surely Eyeball would have informed the DA of a lapis lazuli being on Earth siding with the Crystal Gems, thus making her a traitor. Unless they knew she was already there due to her mission on Earth. Originally, in the series, Lapis was in fact an informant as stated by Peridot in "Cry for Help".
Now on to the theory: Lapis left under the order of a diamond. Just hear me out. Why send a valuable gem back to earth? Lapis was on Earth for a while and they knew this.They probably didn't know she was in a mirror, or they did and saw the information she collected. They needed more on the Crystal Gem rebellion and sent her with Jasper and Peridot . They wanted her to learn more about the Crystal Gems. So they can end the rebellion once and for all.
But there are a few questions I need to know the answer to. How are they communicating? When could she communicate with them if she was with Peridot all the time? Did Jasper know and tried to warn Steven with an off hand comment? Well the Jasper thing is obvious. As a fusion you share memories and whatnot. Though this is questionable due to Garnet being unaware of Pearl just using her to feel stronger...or Pearl is getting better at hiding her feelings. Who knows. Now about the communications part. There are gem communicates
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Okay they are officially called Diamond Communicators and are a direct line to the Diamonds. So it's possible she was given one. Anf how seeing how she's with Peridot. Well there were times where she was left alone. She could use that time to relay information. Plus she can fly so if she wants some privacy, she can easily fly off somewhere. So Lapis being ordered to leave, it's possible and again speculation.