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SO the theory is as the title says. Rose Quartz is actually Pink Diamond and here is my thought on it...
It's possible that Rose is Pink Diamond. Because there are a few things that supports this theory:
1) Diamonds are the hardest gem on Earth.On the Mohs scale a diamond is a 10 were as a Quartz ( especially a rose quartz) is a 7. So technically speaking Rose could have easily been crushed by a diamond of she rebelled by herself. Plus look at Rose's weapon. Rose has a shield, so going against a diamond would make more sense if you were a diamond and not a quartz. Not to mention all the powers she has: Phyllokinesis( ability to create and control plants), healing tears, floating/flying, the whole mind swapping thing to name a few. That doesn't sound like the abilities of a quartz.
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2) Her gem color doesn't really match a rose quartz gem. I mean yes her color palette does, but not her gem. If you compare a pink diamond to a rose quartz you can see which one matches her gem.
And before you say," But all the Diamonds are huge!!!"
3)You have to remember,Gems have the ability to shapeshift. Whether it is to change size or shape as seen with Amethyst and with Garnet ( She made her hands huge in "Secret team") and can hear you saying," But Amethyst said that stretching yourself can be really bad." well Diamonds are more powerful than a quartz gem( in general and yes an amethyst is a quartz) so they can possibly hold a shape for days or even longer if they wanted to.
4) Diamonds have long been revered as a magical intermediary between humans and the unseen power of nature, and let's say the Gems are the unseen power of nature for now.
-A diamond gives victory to he or she who carries it bound on his left arm, no matter the number of enemies ( Rose uses her left hand when using her sword)
-A diamond is good for people who sleepwalk ( Steven has the ability to transfer his consciousness to other beings)
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-Often diamonds were linked to gold ( Pilot Steven gem had a gold band)
But in all seriousness the creators said her name was Quartz but I think they're just saying that. I like the theory, but there is one final detail that can make or break this theory....Pink Diamond's gem shape. We don't know what Pink Diamond's mural completely looks like, and her statue has been destroyed so we can neither call this theory plausible nor debunked. We all know what Yellow and Blue's gem looks like, and possibly White's gem also, but then again it's a mural. Without out it final piece we won't know.
I give this theory a 8/10.
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