Who shattered Pink Diamond and Why? REDUX!!!!

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  "Rose Quartz had been a recognized threat for several hundred years. There were no Rose Quartz soldiers in her entourage and none in her guard. So how did a Rose Quartz, with no business being anywhere near Pink Diamond, get so close to her in the first place? "  

So I'm going back to this theory, and I'll be using some information that was shown to us in the newest episode(s). Now Pink is in fact the youngest diamond.She's even shown to be no bigger than Stevonnie ( which could just be symbolism because the dream started out with Connie's mom turning into Yellow) or she could have been practicing using her gem abilities, who knows?  Now there are a lot of speculation on who exactly shattered Pink, and I theorized that Pink started the war and basically faked her death, but that may or not hold up. So if, and I mean if ,Pink was in fact shattered, who would have the motive to do so? This isn't Othello, there is a reason behind you doing something, even if it's for funsies. 

So the possible list of suspects are as followed and in no particular order: Bismuth, Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond, White Diamond, and possible an unknown gem. Rose Quartz is an obvious out due to it being proven that her gem was decommissioned hundreds of years before Pink Diamond was shattered, possibly due to a sapphire foreseeing it. Many fans, including myself, have been wrapped up in this mystery ever since Pink Diamond was even mentioned. I wanted to go back and work out some holes, and possibly poke more into this theory. This is going to be a bit long, so be prepared.


Now Bismuth is the most likely out of everyone on the list. She had the means and the motives to do it. She made Breaking point for that purpose. Who's to say that Bismuth didn't disguise herself as Rose Quartz, granted it will be a very off colored rose quartz. I will even believe another gem being bribed somehow to do it. But the thing is, we don't know when Bismuth and Pink Diamond's shattering takes place. For all we know Bismuth could have been bubbled before Pink was even shattered. So this is only plausible

Yellow Diamond

Now we've seen how Yellow treated Pink in the new episode. But that could be an everyday thing with them. Yellow was put on babysitting duty and got annoyed by Pink's improper behavior. We've seen Yellow's temper get the best of her. And it's plausible she did shatter Pink, but accidentally or unintentionally. But she really  could not have done it. I get it, younger siblings are annoying, but most of us don't want to kill them, return them and get a refund, but never kill them. Yellow was pissed that she was accused of killing her own sister and poofed both Zircon. If anything she was jealous of how close Pink and Blue were. There is some speculation that Pink started the rebellion, but could either way, Yellow found out and had an assassin stop her, but the assassin went too far, shattering Pink instead.(I'll get to it.)

Blue Diamond

Now this one was the most confusing. Blue is a mess, and has been for a while. During the war on Earth, she looked like she was okay, but at some point between then and her official debut on the show, she...cracked, so to speak. She was extremely upset and is currently a hot mess. She's forcing herself to go about her duties, and is extremely distraught at the idea of getting rid of anything Pink Diamond. But why...because of a guilty mind. Now Blue could have possibly killed Pink Diamond because Pink Started the rebellion, which is something that is still theorized on, and killed her to keep the other diamonds from finding out. But I don't think holds up, because by the way Blue acts whenever Pink is mentioned, it is obvious they were close, possibly closer than Blue is to Yellow. So Blue is out.

White Diamond

White is a bit of a mystery. It's obvious she's the Elite of the elite. The prime ruler of Homeworld. we don't know anything about her relationship with Pink. Or anything about her. Although she does not show up in "The Trial" we can clearly see that she is not there. Why though? Why would a Diamond, not show up to such an important case. Rose Quartz shattered her Sister. So, what if she just didn't care? Well, many chucked it up to be busy doing important Homeworld stuff or off planet. Some say she was the one who did it because she threatened everything she stood for. And if the rumors of her having a form of telepathy is true, then she could have shattered Pink and made everyone think it was a Rose Quartz. This is plausible, but at the same time unlikely. I mean who would try to stage a coup against the youngest royal? If anything it's the eldest you go after and manipulate the youngest to do what you want.

Another gem

I personally like this.I was talking with some friends about this when I came up with it. Now when I said a random gem could have done it, think about. It could have been an agent for Homeworld hiding among the rebels or a rebel gem. They knew Bismuth was working on a weapon that could shatter the gem, and took it.  Gems can shapeshift, the gem takes the form of a rose quartz and attacks Pink with a sword and when they find an opening...pull out Breaking Point and shatter Pink Diamond, framing  Rose quartz in the process....Now the idea is that a gem, that is a shade of pink and pass as a rose quartz, is either a rebel who wants to end the rebellion due to all the friends they lost, or to kill the leader of the rebellion to stop them. Now there are many holes in this, I'm aware of, meaning the Diamonds would have to know who the leader is and be willing to not only shank their sister but also live with the guilt of doing so, and we've all seen the mess that is Blue Diamond. 

So those are the suspects.It would be nice to know when exactly in the war Pink was shattered to make a better list...leave your thoughts in the comments. 

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