Stronger than You

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Can we talk about Stronger than You

It the most well known song in the series, next to "We are the Crystal Gems".

"Stronger Than You" is a song featured in "Jail Break". It was written by Rebecca Sugar and sung by Estelle. Garnet sings it while she fights against Jasper on the Gem Warship after Steven helps her reform.

Like Sapphire sings a vocal version of the song because it's hers and Ruby's song. She was trying to let her know that she was okay. IT's so cute!!!!

There are so many things that point the people who Garnet a way...let me explain. 

In "Alone Together" Garnet said fusions are not one person nor are they two. 

To me, fusions are the embodiment of the gems that make them's relationship...if that makes sense. Like Garnet, when she first formed she was..well..a mashup. Everything was new to both Garnet and to Ruby and Sapphire. and as time went by, Garnet began to look more like...Garnet. 

I love this song and will sing it on the top of my lungs. 

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