Is Pink Diamond Off Color?

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This was requested by @Merc_With_A_Gem and they wanted me to discuss this. 
Personally, I don't think PD is an Off Color persay. I mean it's a bit a stretch in my pun intended. I mean "off color" doesn't necessarily mean what it does mean....Okay let me back track a bit. 

The Off Colors we meet in the Trial episodes are called that due to them not showing proper behavior of a gem of their status. This could also mean that they're defective like Daisy Sapphire and the Rutile twins. There are a lot of discussions on AminoApps about this, but half of them are all over the place/ don't provide sufficient evidence. And by sufficient, I mean more than two sources. 

You have no idea how much research I had to do on Steven Universe discussion boards, videos, and gemology sites to get to this. There is a possibility that she's not an off color....just here me out.  

Going way back to the episodes with the Famethysts, Holly Blue calls some of them off colors. 

"Even you hideous off-color Betas! Get out of your cubbies and into your places! It's the least you can do for the Diamond that kept you worthless, sorry Gems in service!" 

If anything Off Color was used as an insult in this context. 

Jump forward to the episode "Off Color" ( there's probably an 's' on that) we learn that the off color gems we meet (Fluorite, Rhodonite, Rutile, and Padparadscha) can't be on the surface or they'll be crushed,well possibly Rhodonite and Fluorite more than the other two just for being and illegal fusion and Rutile and Padparadscha for being defective. If Pink Diamond was an off colo, she would have been shattered on the spot. 

Now we don't know much for sure on PD, mostly because of the different animation and drawing styles. And plus I'm not 100% confident that PD's debut size is her actual size, diamonds are the elite of the elite and we've seen Blue and Yellow.

Let's move to her colony, the Earth and Moon. Now if PD was off color, wouldn't all her subjects be as well. Think about it for a second. All of Blue's subjects are as calm and sophisticated as she is( before her mental breakdown), give or take a few gems. All of Yellow's are logical and follow reason. Following this logic, all of Pink's should be defective in someway, and this not the case and only applies to Amethyst, Skinny, and Carealean. 

So is Pink Off Color?...I really can't say it if it's plausible or not without more to go off of. And since we are getting some conflicting sources from the show, it's hard to say. 

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