Pink v Steven Discussion

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So if you haven't seen the new episodes/ final episodes don't read this chapter... like at all. Because what I'm about to say will have some spoilers in it.

Now I'm not sure about the number of people saying this, but when it comes to Pink's and Steven's bouts of anger, those are two very different situations. One is a child throwing a tantrum and the other is a child clearly having some mental problems going on that he needs to work through....Let's get started. 

I'm going to put this out there and you are allowed to disagree with me....Pink /Rose is a bit of a gray area for me. Her actions and the fact that she never really faced the consequences for most of those actions speaks volume.Even if she sat down and wrote out a list of cause and effect, there are a lot of results that you couldn't really predict. Now that that's out the way, let's get started.

 With Pink, she wanted be like her older sisters, but they felt she wasn't ready. So what did she do? Throw a tantrum. And one tantrum essentially scars Pink Pearl.I still don't think Pink Diamond was abusive. Yes I called her spoiled and selfish and possessive, but not abusive. "But Biamond, being possessive is a common trait of abusers", controlling and manipulative, but not possessive. Her outbursts are from frustration. She's being seen as a child because she is. Instead of telling Spinel that she has to grow up and leave her in the care of one of the other diamonds, she abondoned her in the garden. Problematic on its own because we all saw how that turned out. She even convenced Pearl to keep the secret of her shattering, which lead to some very questionable choices on Pearl's part....The Zoo. 

Another issue is that she never really faced any consquences for her choices, that was left to everyone else, including Steven ( more on that when I get to him). Just follow my train of thought for a second. Pink fakes her shattering and had Pearl pose as Rose Quartz ( which threw everyone off) to do so, thus cementing herself as Rose Quartz. The consequences : Hundreds of Rose Quartz gems bubbled for a crime they didn't commit for thousands of years and some awkward dinner conversations, and Yellow and Blue stuck on two different stages of grief. Pink Pearl was in the room near her when she threw one of her famous tantrums, which damaged her pyschologically that the scars remained physically. The consquences: about 6,000 years under White Diamond's mind control, and a lot of trauma her and Pearl needs to work through and the realization that they were both making excuses for Pink Diamond. I get that very few people needed to know her identity as a diamond, but she could have told Garnet, Bismuth, and Amethyst. 

Steven ,on the other hand,  is essentially traumatized. He did everything he could to save the Earth and his friends, mostly because him and his family lived there. He almost aged himself out of existence, was kidnapped at least five times, almost drowned, essentially killed himself/watched himself die in that time travel episode. It's a long list. But the most important part is that he's the one dealing with the consequences of Pink's actions. Now Greg tried to raise him, but gave him to the Gems. And come to find out he had loving parents and could have given Steven that life as well, but Greg did what he thought was right at the time. If anything, while Greg truly fell for Rose, Rose had a bit of a human fetish, with Steven being the result of that. 

Steven literally had to face adult problems as a kid, specifically her problems, something no parent should do. Especially with those who loved him. Pearl kept a lot of secrets, some that could change a lot of views on how we see the Crystal Gems. Steven is seen a Rose for the longest by Pearl, but this spilled over until she openly admit that her love for Rose is harming Steven.

"I can't deal with one more horrible thing she did! I just want to fix it!"

Steven knows that his mom did horrible things, but is spending so much time trying to fix everything. It was to the point he stopped being a kid and had to mature to the point he was losing control. Everything he did in Future is done without thought most of the time. For example, Steven's reactions to the Rose Quartzes. He was literally looking at his dead mom, but at the same time a stranger. His awkwardness and his inability to voice how uncomfortable he was spoke volumes. 

What I'm trying to say is, they both reacted out of frustration, but for different reasons and consquences. With Pink, her frustrations was directed at her sisters and how they saw/treated her. And for the most part never faced the consquences of her action. ( She wasn't selfish, but at the same time wasn't selfless.) Steven was under a lot of stress, lost in the world, and was cleaning up the mess of Pink( while she had the best intentions, but poor execution and lacked impusle control).  

Feel free to agrue to add to it. I love to hear your opinion. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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