What can I say about Greg Universe.....?
Let's start with so history...Greg is a college drop out, but is a very talented singer/songwriter. He is the father of Steven and the romantic parenter to Rose Quartz. He lives a simple life. He is the owner/operator of the Car wash . He used to be the friend of Sour Cream's biological father, Marty. He's very easygoing, and optimistic.
Greg tries to be honest, but I have to say,tricking your son into thinking he didn't heal you leg ids a little messed up. But he is a nice guy who does try to do the right thing. He tries to avoid the "magical" stuff the gems do,but after seeing how dangerous it could get, voice his concerns. And not to mention have some knowledge of the Gem War.
Now let's talk about how good of a dad he is . ..
Greg is not the worst dad, but he's also not the best...at times. I mean he did trick Steven, just to spend time with him. And then there was that time he let himself get distracted by Amethyst and that show they watched when he promised to go the the New Year's celebration with Steven. I can honestly say..he's trying. I mean he may not have the advice or answers that Steven needs, but he does try.
Steven Universe Shaded Tea Room
FanfictionWelcome the the SU Shaded Tea Room. Where I throw shade left and right, discuss episodes, songs, ships,and theories. Feel free to comment who will be roasted or episode you want me to discuss.