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So apparently... Garnet... No scratch that, Rupphire is overrated. I say Rupphire because Fusions are their own person, I'll talk about that later.... So the deal is, they are apparently cheesy and boring because they're gay.
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Crystal-Gem confession tumblr.
Like, yeah, I get they literally rushed into a relationship, but we have no clue how long they were on Earth, just wandering around. I could have been anywhere from days to years, but it was never specified. Sapphire has the ability to see possible outcomes, from the future of her friends to random events. She could have shown Ruby the outcome of their love...Garnet.
Garnet us the physical representation of their love, like she is the only fusion that looks remotely...normal. They spent centuries getting to know each other. So NO they aren't overrated. If anything Lapidot is overrated....