Gem Glow

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The first OFFICIAL episode of Steven Universe, seeing how you have to go online to watch the pilot episode....

This episode is...well...a moment of simpler, happier times.

Like the whole show started out as a kid thinking his powers came from ice cream, whereas later on he discovers it's actually tied to his emotions. Not to mention it introduces Centipeetle for the first time.

I loved how each of the Gems tried to teach Steven how to summon his weapons, but it was in ways he barely understood....

Pearl takes him to a tree with petals falling continuously, and tells him that each petal falling to the ground is not moving randomly, but precisely, based on the physical properties of the Earth, and that this can be mastered by training hard, then summoning her spear as a demonstration.

Amethyst explains that whenever she needs her weapon, it just comes to her naturally. She demonstrates by pulling out her whip and slicing a dumpster in half...again. Telling the complete opposite of what Pearl said.

 Garnet is last. He asks if he has to train hard and not worry at the same time, to which she replies affirmatively. She tells him the alternative is to connect with all living matter and energy around him, which is her method for pulling out her gauntlets.

In the end, they tell him he'll master his powers in his own, to quote them, Steven-y way.

I loved this episode and this is the episode that got me hooked. I'm pretty sure some fans of the show became hooked at different times, but I for one love how when the introduce something, they kept with the continuity...Like Connie's bracelet. I never would have guessed it was Connie's until she was introduced. 

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