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It's time to talk about another Crystal Gem .Today it's Pearl. 

What can I say about Pearl...That the fandom haven't already blown out of proportions?

Well to start, I guess we should discuss her history first.Pearl was one of the original Crystal Gems. She help create Garnet...sort of in a way. She was Rose's closest friend and confidant. Pearl is sort of a perfectionist, but also have low self-esteem. As seen in many episodes like,"Coach Steven,",  Pearl's own competing desire to feel "stronger" (when fused as Sardonyx).

She saw Rose as a god. A savior to her. From what Peridot said, Pearls are servants( or are of servant class) and are normally seen with a diamond. They are not fighters, but our Pearl is. Jasper described her as defective. Defective might mean defection to the rebellion, rather than a physical defect.

  "I will fight in the name of Rose Quartz! And everything that she believed in!"  

Pearl's jealousy of Greg implied that her feelings for Rose were romantic. This was later confirmed by show writer Matt Burnett via a tweet  after the episode aired.She (falsely) believed herself to be Rose's "sole confidant" and therefore the only living being privy to all of Rose's secrets, a position she took great pride in. Pearl was very jealous of Greg, constantly trying to persuade him that Rose's affections for him were just a "phase" because as a human he was eventually going to pass away while Rose, being a Gem, would live on.  It's still unknown whether or not they had a relationship in the past or if Rose recuperated those feelings. Her inner turmoil over her love for Rose (and her subsequent absence) has made Pearl lash out at Steven and the Crystal Gems more than once. 

"Remember, Connie. In the heat of battle, Steven is what matters. You don't matter."—"Sworn to the Sword"

Pearl has a tendency to take things too far. She borderline brainwashed Connie into thinking she didn't matter. She also tricked Garnet into fusing to make Sardonyx. She almost got Steven killed...more than once. The only times I can remember is from where she let him fall to his death in "Rose's Scabbard" and "Space Race." She fought Amethyst when she told Steven the darker side of the Gem War history. 

Other than that, Pearl is a very caring person. She is very motherly towards Steven. And the fact she was willing to make amends with Greg shows that she is growing as a person...gem...whatever. 

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