White Pearl Theory/Specuation

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So...can we talk about this for a second? Like what the fuck happened to this Pearl? Half her face is all kinds of fucked up. Also Spoilers...the episode is up on a few sites so go find and watch that first and then come back...or not I really don't care.

So I'm going to speculate/ theorize on both White Pearl and our Pearl, because some things don't add up. Now there theories already out there about White Pearl and what happen but some make no sense to me at all, though I could be looking in too deep. Anyway, White Pearl. A lot of people pointed out that she sounds like White Diamond. Which is weird, mostly due to the fact that most of the same gems (like the Sapphires and Ruby Squads) all share the same voice actor who just use different tones when speaking. The Pearls for example : Blue has a whisper for a voice, while Yellow has a more obnoxious, nasally tone. Our Pearl sounds normal.

According to the Steven Universe wiki, White Pearl and White Diamond share the same voice actress

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According to the Steven Universe wiki, White Pearl and White Diamond share the same voice actress. Which is freaking me out for many reason. The RoundTable, a YouTuber I love, theorized( along with many others) that WP is being controlled by WD. Which brings me back to her face...what the fuck happened?

Another thing...is she really a white pearl? I mean look at Blue and Yellow Pearls' gem placement. You would think her gem would correspond with her Diamond's gem. 

So I truly think White Pearl was originally Pink's

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So I truly think White Pearl was originally Pink's. Our Pearl was better trained to serve a diamond so she went to Earth with her instead. Pink started to go against the Authority and so White Pearl was punished and brainwashed for it. To the point she no longer had a personality, becoming an empty shell. Which explains her movement.  We've seen outfits change every time a gem is poof-ed...sort. Who's to say that the pearls just changed to correspond with their diamond. 

All in all, I'm excited to see what comes next. And let's be honest White Diamond was a little too calm for me. Like Pink literally started a rebellion, how the hell are you treating this like she just threw a tantrum?

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