The Episode not the character. I'll do a part 2 so I can talk about the character.
SO...Bismuth was the 100th episode of Steven Universe, and in my opinion, the turning point of the show. The show started out as a kid ( depending on whether or not you watched the pilot) who though ice cream activated his powers...or was a kid who did clapbacks.
But with Bismuth, it reveals who the bubbled gem...metalliod?....was. A dear friend of the Original Crystal Gems.
Bismuth actually revealed more about Rose than most episodes. Like it shed light on so many things. And "Crazy Lace","Biggs", "Snowflake" could very well be corrupted gems the Crystal Gems found, poofed and bubbled.
It revealed how Bismuth ended up in Lion's mane. And many things...
Steven finds out that Bismuth was bubbled inside Lion because she was going to try to shatter Homeworld gems with the Breaking Point. It is revealed that Rose did not think it was right, and she had ended up bubbling Bismuth and lying to the other Crystal Gems that she went missing in battle. I don't blame Rose, about shattering gems, but to lie to friends about what happened to Bismuth.
Steven shows the same point of view, and this angers Bismuth, who thinks that he lied about being a different person than Rose. A showdown ensues between Steven and Bismuth, with her venting about how Rose thinks of her enemies lives more than her own army, how she could have ended Homeworld's tyranny, shattered the Diamonds with the Breaking Point, and liberated everyone.
I think that this very episode showed Rose in a different light.That she isn't who she claims to be. I mean Bismuth said she was made on Earth, but in Rose's Scarab( did I spell that right?) that her and Pearl can't go home...I'm pretty sure that she was talking about Homeworld.
All in all it was an awesome episode
Steven Universe Shaded Tea Room
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