Rose Quartz

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I can personally say that....SOMEONE PICK UP THE PHONE "CUZ I CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!

I can now say that Rose is a liar. 

Rose Quartz...The founder and former leader of the Crystal Gems. Rose was seen as a leader, a friend, a mentor, and more. She the mother of Steven Universe. But I don't trust her and she gave so many reasons.

She trusted Garnet...way too quickly for my taste. Garnet could have been working for Homeworld and betrayed her and the rebellion.

She bubbled Bismuth...Okay she had a reason, but the least she could have done was tell the others why. 

And for someone who saw the beauty in everything....

"My next point is Rose's Flag

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"My next point is Rose's Flag. It could very well be a revolution flag meant to represent the crystal gems, it's true. But take a look at it. It's 100% rose quartz. None of the other gems are represented on it in any way. Don't you think it would be a little out of character for Rose, who's all about loving everyone and everything, to make their flag all about her? It seems a little vain for this selfless gem we've been shown."-jay-oracle( Tumblr)

Like seriously, you could have put the Crystal Gem logo on the gem.

But is up with Rose, we don't know the whole story. I stand by my words.....And nothing will change that.

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