It All Comes Together... Spoilers

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So if you watched the recent episodes... I was right!!!
So this is making all the connections from all previous Rose Quartz being Pink Diamond.

So YouTuber The Roundtable recently posted a video that basically theorize that Yellow knows a lot more than what was told

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So YouTuber The Roundtable recently posted a video that basically theorize that Yellow knows a lot more than what was told. He mentioned something about gem color and then I remembered I did a chapter on that. Apparently Yellow noticed something was odd about Steven's gem during his trial when he turned himself in. And the The Roundtable mentioned a moment in the episode where Eyeball and Steven were in his bubble in space. Basically, EB said that his gem was the wrong color to be a rose quartz.

 Basically, EB said that his gem was the wrong color to be a rose quartz

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A screen shot from a chapter in this book. One is from " Rose Quartz" armory and the other is the panel from the Moon Base. I mentioned how you have to be a Diamond to work it and Steven could work both. And before people say " But Peridot..." with the help of enchanters.
Finally I have to admit, I was sort of right about Pink Diamond's shattering. But I was completely wrong about who did what. Plus it's a bit of a bummer, but it explains why Pearl always covered her mouth whenever Rose Quartz was brought up in context with the war.

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