Amethyst Redux

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So I had to add on to Amethyst...

Amethyst has a lot of  self esteem issues she needs to work out. Like Pearl, she has an emotional attachment to Rose...whether she knows it or not.

Amethyst self esteem is not what many people think it is. And in the recent episodes, it shows a lot.

- She gets upset that Steven and Connie basically saves her.

- She become obsessed with beating Jasper to the brink of her own destruction.

- She and Steven both duke it out, to prove one of them is worst than the other.

It takes Steven and Amethyst fusing to get her to understand that nobody can tell her who she should be.

Steven and Amethyst have a lot in common. They both aren't like any other gem. They don't know who they are supposed to be.

When Amethyst found out she was supposed to look like Jasper, she constantly tries to prove she can fight no matter what. 

I think that is why she shapeshift a lot......

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