Welcome the the SU Shaded Tea Room. Where I throw shade left and right, discuss episodes, songs, ships,and theories. Feel free to comment who will be roasted or episode you want me to discuss.
So originally this was supposed to be a Pearlmethyst chapter, but with the fanbase hating on the newest episode, "Rocknaldo", I had to say something.
I saw a teaser on Facebook about a new gem and I looked it up online and concluded it was a blood stone, and like a lot of people I assumed it was a gem fusion, between Garnet and Peridot, but it turns out it was just the gemsona for Ronaldo.
I still watched the episode because Ronaldo was being himself, and by himself I mean a dick. Ronaldo hand out fliers that will help people protect themselves against "the menace of Beach City". It is not very successful until Steven accepts a flier and has a read, only to be skeptical when reading how the Rock people, who are actually the Crystal Gems, are somehow a menace against humans.
Steven walks up to Ronaldo and criticizes the defamation. Ronaldo rebuttals saying how they are different to the Crystal Gems, only for Steven to prove every characteristic, convincing and shocking Ronaldo. Ronaldo is convinced and is made a fool, only being glad Steven was the only one to take a flier from him. Steven says it is okay as everyone makes mistakes. Ronaldo then begins to "think about some things".
He then tries to learn about the Crystal Gems, only to make things worse And here's a list why.
-He complains that Steven gets to go on a mission, even though Steven is trained and has more experience.
- Complains that the mission that he didn't go on was successful because he wasn't there
-Chastise Steven for sleeping, something that the Gems don't do because they get their energy through their gems, but seeing how Steven is half human he needs everything a human does; sleep, food , water, air, and rest.
- Complains, again, that Connie has Rose's weapon, even though Steven explains to him that she has more training than him
- He puts Steven down for not being dedicated to the Crystal Gems, even though Ronaldo doesn't understand their culture.
I think Rebecca Sugar and the writers were making fun of the fanbase in this episode. Why? Because they do the exact same thing Ronaldo does.
*For example, they are really hard on Pearl, they still are but it's not as bad. Pearl literally lost the one person that made her feel like she had a purpose other than being a decoration for the Diamond Elite.
*They complain when artist or cosplayers portray the characters differently. I don't really care about how artists draw because half the time I'm jealous that I can't draw like that and not because Rose is skinny. And I recently, back in December, did a Pilot Garnet and for those who haven't seen it here's a picture
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
I did it because that was my favorite version of her, yet fans criticize me for not sticking to canon. Do you know how hard some cosplayers work to make costumes and props?If you noticed the art style of the show change ever so slightly.
*A tumblr artist almost died because of the fans and an artist for the show almost quit. That right there proves so much
You guys are assholes and this episode was a fun way of showing it. I loved it and I hope you guy stop ruining shit for others.