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When think of  Jasper I think of a solider who follows orders. I don't care, but I sympathize with Jasper more than I did with Lapis when they were trapped in that unstable fusion. 

When I say a solider, I mean she was trained to carry out any and all orders. Not to mention she was taught, I repeat TAUGHT that fusion was for the weak, and that you should never question your superior. 

In every history class I have taken, I've been taught that going against your king, baron, whatever, death is the most likely punishment...I mean you've seen how Peridot was freaking out after she went against Yellow Diamond. 

But on another note Jasper is a hypocrite. She claims fusions are for weak ,and is a cheat tactic. But then after getting her ass handed to her on a platter she fuses with Lapis.  And before any of you say that Jasper tricked her, Lapis could have said no. So in reality, Jasper was just desperate, and Lapis was there. I will say this again. Lapis could have said no, but she didn't so it's her own fault. So Jasper isn't as manipulative as she is said to be. 

So Jasper has a better chance of being redeemed in my eyes than Lapis Lazulli 

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