Princess and the Peasant | Part 2

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is same as last time Lilliana Halliday.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lilliana's POV
Levi and myself was walking through the garden enjoying each other's company, as we have been doing for the past few months before we stopped in front of the maze, "Shall we find the middle?" I asked extending my hand, he raised an eyebrow before taking my hand as we went into the maze, "How do you know where you're going Lilliana?" He asked, I chuckled.

"Levi are you forgetting I live here? I always come here to hide away from my duties" I say making another turn, I noticed him shaking his head "That's not very Princess like, Lilliana" he said, I rolled my eyes "The Queen tends to give me all of her jobs while she sits on her butt doing jack shit-I mean nothing" I say correcting myself.

"They is no need to keep your high profile up in front of me, Lil" he said making me turn to him, "I never been called that before" I say, he shrugged "Well what would you care me to call you then. Lilliana is a mouthful" he said, I chuckled "Lil is just fine Levi. Plus if you think my first name is a mouthful then you'd hate to say my full name" I say as we entered the middle of the maze.

"What is your full name?" He asked, "Lilliana Katerina Louisa Halliday" I say making his eyes widened, "Thanks to my mother" I say, he frowned "If you don't mind me asking how did she die?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow "You don't believe that she was killed by an illness?" I asked, he shook his head "I could see that it was a cover up" he said.

I smiled "I'm glad that I can actually talk to someone about it. Suicide. My mother killed herself after catching my father cheating on her with Olivia" I said, "How old was you again?" He asked, "14. Still can't believe it's been 16 years" I say looking towards the ground tears forming in my eyes.

Levi raised my head up making me look him in the eyes, "Tears don't suit you M'lady" he said wiping them, I smiled and sighed "I'm just glad there's someone I can talk to, since none of the servants talk about it and they is no way my father or Olivia would talk to me about it" I say, he gave me a hug "I shall always be here for you to talk to Lil" he said making me smile.

"Come along before Connie calls the national guard to come find us" I say taking his hand again and leading him out of the maze, Sasha was running towards us "Miss Lilliana, we thought you was missing" she said, I chuckled "Relax Sasha, I was in the maze" I say.

She gave me a weak smile "I understand, miss" she said, I rolled my eyes "Sasha I told you a thousand times call me Lilliana" I say, she nodded "Of course, Lilliana. Your meal with the King and Queen will be soon" she said making me raise an eyebrow, "Meal? I have a guest-" "Yes they know that Lilliana. They want to have a meal with you both" she said before leaving us.

"Levi I honestly had no idea about this. I'm sorry" I say, he nodded "So I'm having a meal with the king, queen and princess. This is going to be pleasant" he said making me sigh, "My deepest apologies" I say as we headed back to the castle, "Tell me more about yourself Levi" I say.

"Well Lil, I was brought up by my mother before she passed away so my Uncle took care of me" he said, "What of your father?" I asked, he shrugged "Never knew the man" he said, "I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" I asked, he chuckled "Not much older than you" he said, I rolled my eyes "I want a number, Levi. Or I will use my royalty" I threatened.

He chuckled "Threats? Is that what our friendship has come to Lil? I'm 32 by the way" He asked, I froze "Did you say I was your friend?" I asked, he nodded "Is they a problem with that?" He asked, I shook my head "I've just never had a friend" I say, he raised an eyebrow.

"You've never had a friend?" He asked, "Well they are my personal servants but they're different. Should it be on a level basis they would hate me" I explained, he shook his head "I doubt that" he said, I sighed "Have you met me? The other royals hate me because of my attitude" I say.

He chuckled "The people love you though since you don't let classes get in your way. You show you're just like everyone else. That's why everyone is waiting for you to take the throne" he said, I smiled "Thank you but I wouldn't be able to rule by myself" I say, he raised an eyebrow "Then marry" he said.

I chuckled "I don't want to marry just anyone. I want it to be marriage with emotions, not political" I say, he nodded "How about we say that if I don't find love, I can marry my only friend" I say, he raised an eyebrow before putting an arm over my shoulder, "You want to marry me, if you don't find love" he said.

"Yes, it'll just make the royals hate me even more and the people love me. It's a win-win" I say, he chuckled "You've got yourself a deal. Now do I look presentable?" He asked, I straighten out his top before nodding, "Just to warn you the Queen is going to be throwing as many hateful comments your way" I say as we approached the dining hall.

"I'm sure I can handle it" he said, "Bow, speak when spoken to, that's about it" I say, he nodded before the guards opened the doors and we walked in and bowed at them and they returned it before we sat at the table, "So Lilliana what did you think of Prince Jean?" Olivia asked, I sighed "He's a respectable man. But he made it clear he's not looking for a wife and I've made myself clear that I don't want to marry for political reasons" I growled.

"Jean doesn't know what he wants" she said, I clenched my fists "He's quite capable of knowing what he wants. After all you are not his mother, neither mine" I say, "Lilliana hold your tongue" she snapped, I slightly smirked before eating, "You boy. What's your name?" She asked, "Levi Ackerman, your highness" he said, "And what do you do?" She asked.

"I was studying to become an interior decorator" he said, "Was. What happened?" She asked, "I doubt he would want to talk about it" I say, "Let the boy speak for himself" she said, he gave me a weak smile before I slammed my hand on the table standing up "He's not a boy Olivia! He's a grown respectable man!" I yell, "Lilliana sit down" My father said, "I'm not mother! You don't get to order me around! Connie!" I yell, he came through the doors, "Yes miss?"

"Take Levi to my studio while I have a chat to these two" I say, he bowed "Of course, follow me Mr Ackerman" he said and lead Levi out of the room, "How dare you bring your mother into this?!" Olivia yelled standing up, "She died because of you!" I yell, "Lilliana that's enough" father said, "No! She committed suicide! Because you slept with this hag!" I yell pointing to Olivia as tears began to form.

"Your mother died from an illness" Father said, "Don't talk that bullshit! She left me a letter! She caught you fucking this bitch! She didn't want to be a burden on your love life so she kill herself!" I yell tears starting to spill over, "Enough!" He yelled banging his hand on the table, I sighed "Don't ever talk to me again" I say to both of them before storming out of the room.

I was walked into my studio to find Levi admiring one of my pieces, he heard my footsteps making him turn around, he came over to me and gave me a hug, "You really didn't give us time to leave before you ripped into them" he said, I chuckled "It's okay to cry to princess" he said before I broke down.

"I can't do this" I sobbed into his chest, he stroked my hair, I pulled away before look at him "Can I stay at yours tonight? I don't want to face either of them" I asked, his eyes widened but nodded, "Would you be allowed to do that?" He asked as we made our way to my room, "No but honestly I don't give a fuck" I say making him chuckle.

I threw some clothes in a bag with my make up before fastening it up and leaving my room, I gave Levi my bag as we arrived outside the servant quarters, "Stay here. I'm going to get us a car" I say before going to where all the keys were, I grabbed the car keys and slid a note under Connie's door before grabbing Levi's hand and running out to the car.

He got in the passenger seat while I got in the drivers, "I've got a bad influence on you" Levi said, I smirked before putting the keys in the ignition before setting off, "Do you even drive?" He asked, "No but it's like riding a horse" I say as I waited for the gates to open before rushing out of them and driving to his road.

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