Princess and the Peasant | Part 1

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Yo! How's it going?
The OC name in this is Lilliana Halliday.
AU is modern to some degree.
Au revoir my loves💋
Princess Lilliana was walking through the streets of her kingdom at night, when someone attempted to rob, rape and kill her, however a man came to her rescue and made sure the Princess was alright, she was perfectly fine. However she wanted to repay him, so she invited him to dinner the next day.

Lilliana's POV
"Your highness. It's time to wake up" Sasha said as her and my butler Connie came in, Connie opened the curtains and the door to my balcony earning a groan as I stuck my head under the pillow, "Come along now Miss Lilliana. You have a busy day" Connie said, I sat up, "What have I got to do that got my day busy? Shouldn't it be my Father and that hag" I snapped.

"Now miss Lilliana, you shouldn't say that about the Queen" Connie said, "First off I can say it because she's not my mother. Secondly, she hates me just as much as I hate her all because she won't be able to rule once my father has passed away" I say, he sighed "Of course Miss. I will be outside your room awaiting you" he said before leaving.

"Connie?" I asked, "Yes miss?" He asked, "How many times do I have to tell you both don't call me miss or your highness. Lilliana is just fine" I say, he bowed "Of course" he said before leaving and closing the door, I got up and showered before changing into the clothes Sasha picked out before she did my hair and make up.

I was dressed up casual as I didn't want to overdress meeting my saviour from last night, I left my room and followed Connie and Sasha to the Throne room where my father and the witch I have to call my stepmother were, I approached them and bowed my head, "Why are you dressed like that?" Olivia, stepmother, asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to be having dinner with the man who saved my life last night" I spat, she scoffed "If you was outside the walls with your bodyguard that wouldn't of happened meaning a peasant wouldn't have to come into the grounds" she said.

I looked towards my father as I held my tongue waiting to be dismissed, he nodded before I turned on my heel and stormed out of the Throne room, "That good for nothing b-" "Miss Lilliana" My body guard Eren said cutting me off, I smiled "Eren, how are you?" I asked.

"I am well thank you M'Lady" he said making me chuckle "Eren you are my bodyguard, they is no need for formality" I say, he nodded before leading me to the car that was outside, "I shall be waiting to meet this saviour of yours" he said before closing the door.

I turned my attention to Connie, "Titan road please Connie" I say, he nodded "Of course Lilliana. Would you care for some music?" He asked, I shook my head "You know I prefer the view of the kingdom than music" I say.

He chuckled "Of course. I was just asking in case" he said before he set off, we arrived on the road and I got out and went to my saviours door, he gave me his address yet not his name, he answered the door, in a white buttoned up shirt along with black trousers and brogues.

"Your highness" he said as he took my hand and kissed it while bowing, I did a little curtsy smiling, "I didn't feel like royal today" I say look upon my outfit, "Still a Princess though" he said as we approached the car, Connie opened the door for me, I got in and moved over so he was able to get in.

"You do realise you never gave me your name, saviour" I say, he chuckled "Ravialle Ackerman, your highness" he said, I smiled "Ravialle is an-" "Crap name, I know" he said cutting me off, "I was gonna say exquisite. But it's your name so if you think it's crap, it's crap" I say making him chuckle and earning a glare of Connie.

"Apologies for my language, your highness. Call me Levi" he said, I nodded "You don't have to call me your highness every time. Call me Lilliana" I say, he nodded we arrived back at the castle and Eren opened the door for us to get out.

"Eren, I would like you to me Levi. Levi this is my bodyguard, Eren" I introduced them, they shook hands "I'm deeply thankful that you saved her last night" Eren said, Levi shrugged "Anything to help out royalty" Levi said.

"Miss Lilliana, Mr Ackerman would you care to follow me to your tea" Connie said, "Lead the way Connie" I say before following him, Levi along my side as we entered my father was stood at the stairs, "Lilliana" he said as he came over giving me a hug.

He looked towards Levi, who immediately bowed, "Your majesty" he said, "Rise my boy. You're the one who saved my daughter, correct?" My father asked, "Yes I am sir" Levi said, my father stuck out his hand and shook Levi's hand.

"I'm grateful that you did. I don't what I would have don't if I lost my little girl" he said, I groaned "I'm not a child any more" I say, he just patted my head "Of course, you aren't. You're a respectable woman, who's very capable of coming a Queen" he said.

I sighed "I don't want to talk about that in front of Levi. So continue your business of being a king" I say making him chuckle, "If it makes you happy, I will be on my way" he said before leaving, Connie continued to lead us to the tea.

It was in the Gazebo, which is my favourite place to have it since my mother use to have it out here all the time, "I shall leave you two alone. If you need me just give me a shout" he said before walking away.

"The king seems like a happy man" Levi said, I nodded "He is. It's his b-" "Lilliana, darling. Come here!" I heard Olivia say, I growled and cursed under my breath, "Excuse me a moment" I say to Levi before quickly walking over to her.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I have a guest" I growled, "Prince Jean, I would like you to me Princess Lilliana" Olivia said, Jean came over to me kissing my hand as I curtsy, "Jean is my nephew and maybe your potential husband" Olivia said.

Jean sighed "Aunt Olivia, I came here to speak matters about the army, I'm not looking for a bride. Don't take offence to that, your highness" Jean said, I waved it off "None taken. It was a pleasure meeting you" I say before leaving back to the Gazebo.

I groaned as I sat back down, "That's not very lady like" Levi said, I sighed "I don't care" I say before sipping my tea, he did the same but held it strange, I raised an eyebrow "What?" He asked, "I never seen someone hold their cup like that" I say.

"If your going to judge me on everything I do. I'll leave" he said getting up, I stood up after him "I was not judging you. I was fascinated that's all. So I do apologise for my attitude if it sounded like I was judging you, it's just the Queen is trying to find me a husband" I say.

"The Queen? You mean your stepmother?" He asked, I clenched my fists "She's not my stepmother" I snapped before sighing "Sorry my attitude again" I say but he waved it off, "It's fine. I find it interesting that a Princess has a short temper" he said making me smile.

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