Dance Instructor

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was stretching out before the doors opened revealing the band 'Attack On Titans' I smiled

"Morning boys" I greeted,

"Hey (Y/N)" they all mumbled, their manager came over to me,

"Hange, what can I do for you?" I asked, Hange handed me a disc.

"I want you to create a choreography for this song" Hange demanded, I nodded

"You'll have it done by our next meeting" I asserted, she nodded

"I know I can trust you with it" she smiled before leaving the studio, I put the disc in my bag then clapped my hands

"Alright gather round Titans" I ordered as they came over, "As normal we'll warm up with Super Psycho Love, then we'll go through Hole in the Wall" I stated, they all nodded but Levi muttered something, "What's that Ackerman?" I asked making his head shoot in my direction as the other boys looked at him,

"Nothing" he answered, I rolled my eyes

"That wasn't nothing. So how about next time you use your brain before saying something you obviously don't want me hearing" I retorted,

"We work on this dance everyday" he commented making me raise an eyebrow,

"It's because you haven't perfected it yet. I work my ass off every night getting these moves perfect. So shut up and dance" I snapped, everyone's eyes widened before they got into their places, I put on the track "And five, six, seven, eight" I counted before they began dancing, I walked around them "Jaeger! Stop slacking!" I demanded making him keep in time with the rest of them, the song ended and they went to get a drink causing me to roll my eyes.

"(Y/N)" Armin called out as he and Erwin came over to me,

"What can I do for you-" I cut myself off as I noticed Levi pushing Eren around

"Come on Jaeger. Fight back" he growled pushing Eren more, I walked over to them before shoving Levi backwards,

"Back off" I snarled, he came back but Jean and Reiner stood in between us, he scoffed rolling his eyes, "Formations!" I yell as I went over to the docking stations, I began to play Hole in the Wall and joined them, "Five, six, seven, eight" I counted before went through it.


It was the end of the session and everyone was grabbing their things

"See you tomorrow, Michelle" Jean called out as he, Reiner and Eren left waving, Armin and Erwin came up to me

"What can I do for you?" I asked,

"This dance, I don't think I can do it" Armin sighed making my eyes widen,

"You can. You've been doing it better than Reiner, Eren and Jean today, almost to Erwin's standards" I commented making Erwin smile "If you want I can go over it with you when you've got some spare time" I offered making him nod.

"You've got my number, haven't you?" He asked, I nodded "I'll give you a call to make an arrangement" he stated before he and Erwin left, I went over to Levi

"What's wrong Ackerman?" I asked making him turn around,

"Nothing's wrong, (L/N)" he snapped making me raise an eyebrow, I walked around him

"Really because you always call me (Y/N)" I smirked, he pinned me to the wall,

"Shut up for once" he growled before he let go of me and left the studio, I went over to my bag getting the disc out before putting it the CD Player and listened to it, I picked up my phone before calling my dance friends to help me out,

"(Y/N)!" Sasha answered,

"What's up?" Annie asked,

"Come over to the studio. I need some help" I asserted,

"We'll be right over" Ymir replied,

"See you soon" Mikasa stated before they all hung up, a few minutes past and Christa and Ymir arrived,

"Hey guys" I greeted giving them a hug,

"This the song?" Annie asked as she came in, I nodded

"Yeah, Attack on Titans new song" I answered,

"It's got a good beat" Mikasa commented as her and Sasha walked in, I smiled

"Shall we warm up?" I asked stopping the song, they all nodded before doing stretches while I changed the song, Policeman began to play and we warmed up to it, I changed the song back to the Attack on Titans new one before going through it with the girls plenty of times, I stopped the music before going over to the girls, "You all remember who your supposedly being right?" I questioned, they nodded "Ymir, stand here please" I demanded pointing at the back, I put everyone in their positions before going through it

"This is a new set up" Someone commented making me look over to the door seeing the band,

"Thought I'd switch it up a little. Girls meet the boys. Boys this is Ymir, Christa, Annie, Mikasa and Sasha" I introduced pointing to them, I noticed Mikasa lightly blushing making me smirk, "How come you're here?" I asked,

"We're free for the rest of the day" Armin replied, I hummed in response

"Right girls, pair up with the boys and teach them the moves, you've learnt" I ordered before Ymir went over to Erwin, Sasha went to Reiner, Mikasa went to Eren, Annie went to Armin, Krista went to Jean while I went over to Levi, "Aren't you the lucky one" I smirked making him roll his eyes

"Of course you'd take lead" he muttered,

"That's me" I smiled before going over to the CD Player and putting the song on repeat, I went over to Levi "Let's go into a different room" I stated before leading him to the studio across the hall leaving the doors open so we could still hear the music,

"Why have you brought me in here?" He asked,

"More space" I answered making him raise an eyebrow

"More space to do what exactly?" He questioned, I felt his breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine,

"To dance what else?" I retorted turning around and coming face to face with him, he smirked as I stepped back two steps every time he took one, my back hit the wall making his smirk widen as he closed in, he cupped my face

"Nervous?" He asked, I shook my head

"N-no" I stuttered mentally cursing to myself, he raised an eyebrow

"Really?" He replied pulling away from me, I sighed "You're such a tease" he mumbled making me raise an eyebrow,

"Me a tease? What about you?" I retorted walking towards him, he raised an eyebrow before coming back over to me, I went to say something but he put his finger over my lips,

"You talk too much" he asserted before taking his finger away before kissing me and pushing me back against the wall, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied, so he squeezed my ass making me gasp allowing him to slide his tongue in and claiming domination,

"Hallelujah!" Eren exclaimed making us jump apart, "It's about time you two admitted your feelings. All the sexual tension was killing me" he commented making me chuckle as Levi rubbed his the back of his neck,

"Did I hear correct?" Sasha asked coming into the room with everyone, I sighed hanging my head,

"Yeah, I walked in on them assaulting each other's faces" Eren informed, I rolled my eyes as Levi groaned,

"Praise the heavens. I don't know how much talk about Levi, I could of taken" Mikasa chuckled making Levi smirk as I groaned,

"You have no room to talk" I smirked going over to her, her eyes widened

"You wouldn't" she growled making me chuckle

"Oh I would" I chuckled looking towards Eren, "Eren, Mi-" I was cut off by someone's hand covering my mouth,

"Shush, you talk too much" Levi whispered sending shivers down my spine.

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