Princess and the Peasant | Part 7

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is same as last time Lilliana Halliday.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lilliana's POV
"Good morn-Ahh!" Sasha yelled making me jump up, "What, is it the baby?" I asked, she shook her head "I didn't expect you and Levi in here" she said, I smiled looking over at Levi who was still asleep, "You're travelling to Prince Jean's wedding today" she said, I sighed and nodded, "I'll wake Levi up and we'll meet you downstairs" I say, she nodded before leaving.

I climbed on to the bed and shook Levi, "Levi" I whispered, he groaned and rolled over on to me, not putting all his weight on me, "Levi love. We need to get up" I said, "Can't we stay in bed all day?" He asked as he started to kiss my neck, "I wish we could, but we've got a wedding to go to" I say making him lift his head, "We?"he asked, I nodded "We are partners after all" I say before kissing him, he smiled before pulling away, getting up and picking me up.

We both showered and got changed before going downstairs, "Have a nice morning?" Annie asked as Eren and Levi walked in front of us, "I don't understand, what you mean by that?" I asked, she raised an eyebrow before smirking, I looked to the floor "Oh, was we loud?" I asked making her chuckle "Just a little" she said making me hide away in embarrassment.

We arrived at Kirstein Castle and was met by Prince Jean and Princess Mikasa, we bowed our heads towards them, "I'm glad you could make it Lilliana" "Jean, it would be dishonourable if we didn't show up" I say, he nodded before looking at mine and Levi's hand interwind before looking at Levi, "My mother may throw harsh comments towards you Levi" he said, Levi shrugged "Nothing I haven't faced before" he said making me smile.

It was dinner and we was all sat at the table, "So Lilliana, how was my sister to you" the Queen asked me, I went to answer "Please answer honestly" she said, "A complete witch" I say, it was silent before she started to laugh, "I'm guessing the two of you didn't get along" she said, "My father cheated on my mother with her. Of course I didn't like her" I say, she smiled "She was always like that" she said making my eyes widened, "However, us girls should talk more after dinner" she said mentioning Princess Mikasa.

The Queen, Princess Mikasa and myself were sat on the balcony as we watched the sun setting, "If you don't mind me asking, Lilliana, who is that man you've brought with you?" The queen asked, "That's my boyfriend, Levi" I say, she nodded "He's a lower class than us correct?" She asked, I nodded "Strange. I never seen someone like him, he's suitable to be a king. You've made a good choice" she said, I smiled "Thank you" I say before she stood up.

"I'm off to bed. Seen you both tomorrow" she said before going inside, "So Mikasa, how does it feel to be getting married?" I asked, she sighed "Nerve racking" she said, I smiled "I'm sure you'll be fine. How long have you known Jean?" I asked, "Since I was a child. My parents were murdered so the King and Queen allowed me to live here" she said, I gave her a hug "I'm sorry for bringing that up" I say, she waved it off "At least you know the pain of loosing your parents" she said.

I nodded "Hey Lil!" Levi yelled making me look towards him, to see him and Jean fencing, I chuckled before Mikasa and myself went towards them, "May we have a go?" Mikasa asked making Jean chuckle and nod, they both handed their gear to us, "Just to warn you Lilly, Mikasa doesn't go easy" Jean said making me chuckle "Me neither" I say before narrowly avoiding her blade.

After fencing for a while we went riding however we had to share, Levi was sat behind me since he can't ride, Jean's horse ran off with him and Mikasa, who was screaming, making me chuckle, Levi rested his head on my shoulder, "What's on your mind love?" I asked, "Things" he said, "You can talk to me" I say, "It's just something Jean said to me earlier" he said, I kissed his cheek "You worry too much" I say making him smile, "It's because I've got you" he said kissing my neck, I smiled before lightly kicking the horse making it speed up to catch up to Jean and Mikasa.


"Lil?" Levi whispered, "What?" I answered, "We need to get up" he said, I groaned before laying on top of him, he chuckled before wrapping his arms around me and sitting up, I cuddled into him before a wave of nausea came over me, I ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me before throwing up in the toilet.

I sighed before brushing my teeth, wiping my mouth and walking out, "Are you okay?" Levi asked coming over to me, dressed in a tux, I smiled and nodded "I've got it all out of my system" I say, he gave me a hug and a kiss on the head, "Hurry and change" he said letting go of me, I got changed and hook my arm around his before we went down to the front door, where the Queen was, she smiled as we approached and bowed "Good morning" she said, "Morning" I say, Jean approach us and he looked terrified.

"Levi, you're travelling with me. Mum, Lilly you're with Mikasa" he said, I chuckled before putting my hands on his shoulders "Breathe Jean. Today will go fine" I say, he sighed and smiled "You're right. Come on Levi" he said before going to leave, I gave Levi a kiss before he went after Jean.

We was waiting for Mikasa, the Queen gasped making me turn around and see Mikasa in her dress, I smiled before doing a curtsy, "You look beautiful" I say, she smiled, the Queen took her hand "I'm proud that you'll take my crown" she said making her smiled even more, "Your carriage awaits" I say before we got in the carriage and went to the church, we arrived and Levi was stood waiting, he took my hand and bowed at Mikasa and the Queen.

It was the after wedding party and Mikasa and Jean were having their first dance as husband and wife, they finished and Mikasa came over to me, "You're not drinking?" She asked as she took a sip of wine, I shook my head "I was sick this morning, I don't want to be sick here" I say, she raised an eyebrow "Are you sure it wasn't morning sickness?" She whispered putting me into some serious thought, I shrugged "I have no idea" I say and she smiled before Levi appeared in front of me.

"May I take you on a walk?" He asked extending his hand, I nodded taking his hand, we was walking through the garden before we sat on a bench and I looked up at the stars "It's so beautiful" I say, he smiled "Well, I was gonna do this later but now's better than ever" he said making me look towards him, only to find him on one knee making me gasp, "Lilliana Katerina Louisa Halliday, would you do me the pleasure of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked, tears began to form in my eyes as I nodded, he slid the ring on my finger before I gave him a kiss.

I pulled away and gave him a hug, "I love you so much" I whispered, "I love you more" he said making me smile.

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