Magical | Part 3

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Alice Humes.
Until next time my loves💋
Alice's POV
We was all stood at the gate waiting for them to be opened, Levi leaned over to me "You ready to go outside?" He whispered, I scoffed "I've been waiting for this since I joined the Corps" I whispered back making him nod, I heard someone awing at us making me turn seeing two kids "It's the Survey Corps" one said, I gave them a small smile before turning my attention back to the gate, "Forward!" Erwin yelled making us all speed out of the gate before getting into formations.


It had been quiet for a while which made me extremely bored but then again we were in the safest position in the formation, "Come on now Alice, smile we're going to win" Petra said making me raise an eyebrow, "I will smile when I'm dead" I say making her gasp, "Humes don't be so dull" Levi said making me roll my eyes "Look who's talking" I say making him scoff, I heard thudding making me look behind me seeing Titan legs, I pulled to the back of the group "Titan from the rear!" I yelled, "Humes! Get up front!" Levi yelled, I sighed and got up front next to Levi.

I noticed it to be a female Titan that was staring at Eren as it chased us, I growled before throwing up an ice wall to slow it down "Humes! Keep advancing!" Levi yelled, I groaned "Everyone cover your ears!" Levi yelled making me raise an eyebrow but did it anyways as he raised up the flare gun and fired a sound blast, Eren was worrying too much about the reinforcements "Eren! Quit crying!" I yelled making him gasp, he put his blade away and brought up his hand to his mouth.

"Eren if I can't use my powers neither can you! So suck it up and advance!" I yelled, he put his hand back down "Target is accelerating! Faster! We'll outrun it!" Levi yelled making me scoff before we ran and I heard firing making me turn around seeing that the female Titan had be captured, "Eld take control. I will act alone" Levi said before leaving.


They was a hooded person flying at the side of us, "Hey!" Gunther yelled going over to them but he was murdered, my eyes widened "Gunther!" We all yelled, Eren went over to him but Eld pushed Eren away "Keep moving!" Eld yelled, an explosion happened and the Female Titan appeared, "Alice! Think you can slow it down!" Eld yelled as we flew away from it, "Let's find out" I say before putting up a ice wall which it easily broke through, I growled before putting up more ice walls, it still got through, "Alice, you keep going with Eren! We'll deal with it!" Eld yelled.

I nodded before leading Eren away but we stopped as we watched in amazement on how they cooperated before they was all slaughtered, "Eren move!" I yelled before flying towards the Female Titan, I sliced at its legs before it knocked my wire and I fell to the ground, it came over to me so I covered myself with an ice ball, it hit the ice repetitively slightly breaking it before they was an explosion and Eren's Titan kicked the Female away from me, it ran away from him but he followed.

Levi's POV
I flew past my dead squad and came towards an ice ball, I landed before tapping on the ice, the ice disappeared revealing Humes stood there, I looked closely to see that her iris were almost pure white, "Humes are you-" "I'm fine" she growled cutting me off before flying in a direction, I followed "Eren!" A female voice yelled, we arrived just to see Eren being eaten by the Female Titan.

"That's it" Humes growled before picking up her speed and slicing the Titans legs making it fall, she hovered above it freezing its limbs, "Humes! That's enough!" I yelled, "Alice! Eren's in there!" A Female said from beside of me, she looked towards us before sighing, I noticed that the female Titan went to grab her wires making me fly towards Humes grabbing her and getting her out of the way, her eyes widened as the Female Titan began to run away again, "Alice, what's with your eyes?" The Female asked.

"Nothing, Mikasa. Don't worry" Humes said before looking towards me "What's the plan?" She asked, "We maintain this distance. It seems to be getting tired" I say as we followed, "You two distract. I'll get Eren" I say as we began to close in, they both nodded before accelerating and going in front of the Female Titan.


Alice's POV
We stopped to collect the bodies I was stood at the wagon waiting to leave, when I noticed Levi limping I raised an eyebrow before going over to him "Are you hurt?" I whispered, he shook his head but his eyes said differently, I rolled my eyes "It's bad to lie" I say as we went over to our horses, he got on and I looked at his ankle before lightly grabbing it and icing it, "That should do until you get someone to look at it" I say getting on my horse, he looked shocked before nodding at me.

"Move out!" Erwin yelled and we all set off, I heard thudding, "Titans!" Someone yelled, I looked behind to see two Titans chasing two comrades, I rolled my eyes sighing, "Fighting here would be difficult" Levi said, "Excuse me" I say "Humes!" Levi yelled before I turned around and charging towards the Titans, the Comrades gasped, "Full speed! I've got these pinheads!" I yelled standing up on the back of my horse, I pulled out my blades and jumped off grappling on a wall of ice I made, I swung around before slicing both of their napes and landing and rolling.

I groaned as I got up "Not the best landing" I muttered to myself as my horse came over to me, I climbed on before catching up with the comrades "Thank you" one of them said, I nodded "Dump your friend on the wagon and move!" I yelled, they nodded before gaining speed, I noticed Levi riding along side one of the wagons so I went up to him, "No need to throw the dead. I'll handle the oncoming Titans" I say, "Don't be stupid! You can't take them!" Someone yelled, I growled before glaring at them.

"The next one to underestimate me is going to be frozen to death" I say before noticing another Titan approaching, I went I pull back but it dropped dead, I noticed Mikasa getting on her horse before catching up, "Looks like I'm not alone" I say mentioning her, we stopped and re-gathered our surrounds, Levi came over to me, "That was stupid, Alice" he said, I shrugged "It's better than throwing your squad away" I say, he looked to the floor, I lifted his head before pecking his cheek before leaving him.

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