Dance Manager | Part 2

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Kiera Ryan.
AU is modern.
May contain Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Kiera's POV
I walked into the studio and was about to enter when I heard music, I looked through the window and saw Levi dancing to 'Talk dirty to me'

My eyes widened as he was doing the same moves as I was last month, I walked in clapping making him stop, "Don't stop on my account" I say dropping my duffel bag on the chair, "Or is that you have no other moves because you copied of me?" I asked raising an eyebrow, he looked everywhere by me.

"I'm not pissed. Since you did the moves a lot better than me" I say going over to him, "You had a knee brace on" he said, I stopped "You saw that?" I asked, he nodded "So that means you saw me fail and fall" I say, he nodded "And you didn't come to help" I tease, he looked at the floor.

I chuckled "I'm messing with you. Any way solo guy, you" I say making his head shoot up, "What?!" He yelled, "You're the male solo dancer" I say, "No, I can't. Get Jaeger or Erwin to do it" he said, I shook my head "No can do. I've already submitted the form" I say.

"Who's the female dancer?" He asked, "Hange" I say, he nodded "What are you doing?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow "Me? Nothing. You saw that I can't dance" I say, "You can if you practise" he said, "To mess my knee up even more? No thank you" I say going over to my bag, "What if I was able to help you?" He asked.

"If you fix my knee then your a miracle worker" I say, he shook his head "What if I stayed with you after these sessions and helped you gain your confidence back" he said, I sighed "Fine but don't loose your temper with me if I can't do it" I say as the others came in, "I won't" he said before going over to Erwin and Hange.


Everyone left except Levi, "So are you ready to do this?" He asked, I went over to my duffel bag and got my knee brace out before putting it on before getting up, Levi was staring at it "What?" I asked, "How do you even move in that thing?" He asked, I chuckled "Years of practise" I say.

He shook his head before putting on a track, "We'll start off with something basic" he said, after a few hours I was getting the hang of it until my leg gave away and I fell to the floor, Levi came over to me and helped me up, they was clapping coming from the door making me look up.

"Still trying, Kiera?" One of them said, "You have to give it to her, she is determined" the other said, I looked up to see my old dance partners, "Jean, Marco how nice to see you" I spat, they chuckled "Don't be so pissy with us. It was you that mess up your knee" Marco said, "And who's this? Your pathetic dance partner. Listen mate, give up. She's a lost cause" Jean said.

I growled before trying to get them but Levi held me back "My knee maybe messed up but I can still kick your arses" I say making them laugh, "You was always the joker Kiera" Jean said as they went to leave, "See you at the competition" Marco said before they left, I sighed.

"They're right, you know" I say, "What?" He said, "I'm a lost cause. You should just give up" I say taking the brace off, he sighed "I'm not giving up on you. If you're the Kiera Ryan that I've seen so passionate about dancing then you wouldn't give up easily" he said, I raised an eyebrow "You think I'm passionate about dancing?" I asked, he nodded "I've watched some of your competition dances" he said making me smile.

"Fine. I'll prove them bastards wrong" I say getting up, he slightly smiled before frowning "Your brace?" He asked, "Let try with it off. My moves will be a lot more fluent" I say, he gave a hesitant nod before playing the track, I got through it making me smile "I did it!" I cheered making him smile, I gave him a hug.

"Thank you" I say, he patted my back and I pulled away, "Sorry" I say, he shrugged "It's fine" he said, I looked at the time "It's late" I say making him turn around and look at the clock, he nodded before getting his stuff and going to leave, "I'll see you tomorrow" he said before leaving, I grabbed my bag and locked up.

I sighed before catching up to Levi, "Hey!" I yelled as I jogged up to him, he stopped and turned to me "Would you like to get dinner?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow "Are you asking me on a date?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "Dinner with a friend. Not a date" I say, he chuckled and nodded "Where are we going?" He asked.

We arrived at Frankie's "Kiera!" Frankie yelled, I waved "I'll be with you in a minute" he said as we sat down at a table, "You come here regularly?" Levi asked, I nodded "At least once a week" I say, Frankie came over to us "Ah you brought a friend with you. I'm Frankie" he said to Levi "Levi" he said, Frankie gave me the side eye making me sigh "It's not a date Frankie" I say, he nodded "Of course not. What can I get you?" He asked.

"The usual, please" I say, "I'll have the steak and chips" Levi said, Frankie nodded and left, "So how did you get into dancing?" I asked, he shrugged "I guess I liked the freedom it gave" he said, I smiled before I noticed him staring behind me, I looked behind me and saw the photo of me preforming.

I sighed "Frankie a big fan?" Levi asked, I shook my head "He's my cousin" I say, he nodded "He's the one that pushed me to become a dancer in a group" I say, "So you was a solo dancer to start with?" He asked, I nodded "Yeah but then I got into that group and became better" I say sighing.

"Here you are" Frankie said putting our dishes down in front of us, "Drinks?" He asked, "I'll have a beer" Levi said making me raise an eyebrow "Usual" I say, he nodded before leaving, "You didn't strike me as the drinking type" I say making him chuckle "I like to surprise" he said, "That you do" I say before eating.

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