Princess and the Peasant | Part 5

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is same as last time Lilliana Halliday.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lilliana's POV
"Morning Lilliana!" Sasha yelled as she came into my room opening the balcony curtains and door, I groaned "What's got you in a good mood?" I asked sitting up, "Me? Nothing, why you ask?" She said making me raise an eyebrow, she sighed "Connie asked me out!" She squealed making me smile and get out of bed giving her a hug.

"You said yes, didn't you?" I asked pulling away, she nodded, I smiled "Anyway it's your Coronation today" she said making my eyes widened "I'm officially coming Queen" I say, she nodded "The whole country is going to be watching. You also have Prince Jean and his girlfriend, Prince Armin and Prince Marco coming" she said, "I'm not marrying any of them" I say, "Of course, you have feelings for another man" she said making me raise an eyebrow, "I'm sorry. That was out of line" she said making me chuckle.

I got changed before leaving my room to find Annie and Eren stood there waiting, they bowed making me roll my eyes "Just because I'm becoming Queen doesn't mean that you have to bow" I say making them nod, we went down to the car where Levi, Connie and Sasha were waiting, I got in the back with Levi, Eren and Annie while Connie drove and Sasha sat in the passenger seat as we left the castle ground the whole town was in the streets waving at me, I waved back  "Nervous?" Levi asked, I sighed "You have no idea" I say making him chuckle "You'll be fine" he said giving me a hug, we arrived at the Cathedral, Annie and Eren got out first before Levi got out and helped me out, I smiled as I waved at everyone as I walked towards the to the Cathedral doors.

I felt someone pulling at the bottom of my dress, I looked down to see a child, I smiled and bent down to them "Hello" I say, they giggled before doing a little bow, I did a little curtsy back, "Noah. Come here" the mother said, I smiled before taking Noah's hand and leading him over to his mother, "Im so sorry your highness" she said lowering her head, "No need. He's a little cutie" I say handing Noah back to her, "Protect your mother" I whispered to him and he nodded before he saluted.

It was the party after the Crowning and I was stood at the throne watching everyone dance, with Levi by my side along with Eren and Annie at the side of us, "Queen Lilliana" Someone yelled making me look to find Prince Armin, he approached me before bowing, "Prince Armin, so glad you could make it" I say, "It was my pleasure..." he trailed off as his eyes landed on Annie, "Annie?" He asked, she turned around and gave a little smile "Prince Armin, so nice to see you again" she said bowing making him roll his eyes "I've told you before it's Armin" he said making her nod, "You two know each other?" I asked.

"Old friends" Annie said, I nodded "Annie your dismissed until otherwise" I say making her nodded before her and Prince Armin wandered off, "You're too kind" Prince Jean said making me roll my eyes, "Prince Jean. Where's this girl I've heard so much about?" I asked, "Oh, this is Princess Mikasa" he said mentioning the girl who was next to him, she curtsy "Your highness" she said, I nodded "I'm glad you found someone" I say making him smile before he went away, I sighed "Tired already?" Levi asked from behind, I smiled "No, just bored" I say, he smiled before extending his hand "May I have a dance, your majesty?" He asked making me chuckle but I took his hand and he lead my to the dance floor.

"You're gonna be a great Queen. Stop worrying so much" he whispered, I rested my head on his chest "I just wish I was more prepared" I said before the song finished, we went on for a walk in the garden "We did make that deal" he said making me smile "We did" I say making him chuckle "Queen Lilliana. I would like to take you out on a date, this Friday" he said making me raise an eyebrow, "A date?" I asked, he nodded "You want feelings, am I right?" He asked, I nodded "Therefore I will try to make you fall for me, your highness" he said making me chuckle, "Will you manage that though?" I asked, he shrugged "I'll try my hardest" he said, I smiled "I accept your date, Prince Levi" I say making him freeze in place, "I'm not a Prince" he said, I chuckled "Your my Prince" I say pecking his cheek and returning to the party.


I was sat at my desk sorting through the paper work before the doors slammed open, I looked up "Gunther, what's the hurry?" I asked, "You've got another letter from a country with them offering their Prince to be your husband" he said, I rolled my eyes before standing up "I am not interested. So tell them all to simple fuck off" I growled, he nodded before leaving the room, I sighed rubbing my temples letting out a groan of frustration "Is this a bad time?" Levi asked as he walked into the room, "No. Just another country offering a Prince to be my husband" I say, noticing his jaw clench before he shrugged "Maybe under different circumstances" he said coming over to me, I shook my head "I have a country to run. I don't have time to find a husband" I say, his face dropped "Levi, if you take that in the wrong way your being thrown through that window" I threaten, he chuckled.

"Of course not. Are you ready for our date?" He asked, I nodded "I need to get rid of all this stress" I say taking his hand, he lead me to the car before we drove into the city, "What's going on?" I asked as they were people everywhere, "The Festival of Lights. I've never missed a year" he said, I gasped "I completely forgot about it. I always turn up to watch the lanterns" I said as he came to a stop, "It was the night I saved you as well" he said before getting out, I got out myself "We've known each other a year. Wow it's gone so fast" I say, he chuckled "It does when your having fun" he said before I hooked my arm around his, "Levi, same as every year?" A store vender asked, he nodded before a lantern was handed to him, the vendor eyes fell upon me "Queen Lilliana, would you care for one?" He asked, I smiled "Yes please" I say, he nodded and handed me one "That's on me" he said, I nodded "Thank you" I say before we walked further down the street.

I let go of Levi going over to the Candy floss, "One please" I say to the vendor, her eyes widened before nodding and handing me the candy floss, I went to pay but she held up her hand "No need" she said, "I insist" I say handing her the money, she smiled before nodding "Thank you" she said before I walked further down the street trying to find Levi but I was pulled off into an alley way, "Lovely to see you again" they whispered in my ear before pinning me against a wall, "Lil?! Lilliana?!" I heard Levi yell, I head butted the attacker before running on to the street "Levi!" I yelled as I continued to run, gunshots were fired making everyone scream and run to cover.

I noticed a toddler crying "Mama!" They cried, I picked them up before running into cover, "Shh" I say stroking their hair, "Lil!" I heard Levi yell again, my eyes widened as the attacker came down the alley I was in for cover, "I know your here princess" he said making me growl, I put the toddler to one side, "Stay quiet. I'm gonna find your mummy, okay?" I say kissing their head, I was pulled out of the cover making the toddler scream, "Lil!" Levi said making the attacker turn me around and hold a gun to my head, "Stay there or the princess is dead" he threatened, I growled "Haven't you heard? I'm a Queen" I say before stomping on his foot, elbowing him in the gut before grabbing the hand that had the gun in and pressure pointing it, grabbing the gun and smacking it around his head.

Levi ran over giving me a hug, "Thank god your okay" he said, I handed him the gun before bending down to the toddler, "Let's find your mummy" I say before picking them up, Levi smiled "What?" I asked, "You never said you were good with kids" he said before ditching the gun, I shrugged  "I'm a natural" I say as we went back on to the streets to find people coming back out, I smiled "Has anyone seen my baby?!" I heard someone yell before she ran towards me, "Oh my god. Thank you!" She cried as she hugged me, I patted her back before giving her the toddler "I thought I lost you" she said kissing the toddlers head.

I smiled before Levi put his arm around my shoulder giving me a hug, "The lanterns should be setting off soon, come on" he said taking my hand and leading me to the area that the lanterns are set off from, everyone was lighting their lanterns, Levi lit both of ours "Are you gonna make a wish?" He asked, "What can I wish for? I've already got everything I've got" I say, he smiled "Well I've got a rough idea what I want" he said, I smiled "I've got one now" I say as the countdown begun, we released the lanterns in the air and watched at they floated up together, Levi wrapped his arm around me so I moved closer.

I wish for more moments like this so Levi knows what happiness is like.

I wish for more beautiful moments like this so I can see her smile more often.

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