Kuchel's Little Friend

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Rowena Leti.
Until next time my loves💋
Rowena's POV
"Ro, why don't you go play while I talk to my friend" Mother said as her friend came into the room, I nodded before running out of the room, I walked past a room and heard crying making me grow curious and knock, a woman answered the door and smiled before crouching down to me "Hiya Rowena" Kuchel said, I smiled before giving her a hug, "Can I play in here? Mummy's got a friend over" I say, she nodded and allowed me to come in.

I sat on her bed and she sat next to me, I furrowed my eyebrows "Why are you crying?" I asked, she wiped her tears before turning to me "Because I'm gonna have a baby" she said smiling, I jumped up "Yey! A friend!" I cheered but stopped "You're not sad are you?" I asked, she shook her head "I couldn't be more happier" she said giving me a hug.


I was sat in my room reading a book when my mother came in with a man, "Rowena, leave while I work" she said, I stood up and went to leave but the man stopped me "She's becoming of age" he said before I pinned him against the wall, "Rowena that's enough!" Mother yelled, I let go of him before walking out to Kuchel and Rivaille's room, I knocked before Rivaille answered giving me a hug, I ruffled up his hair before walking in.

I went over to Kuchel who smiled as I approached her, I smiled "How about me and you get some food for you and your mum?" I asked, he clapped his hands before I took his hand, "Rowena please don't" Kuchel said before I winked at her "I've got this" I say before we walked out, "What should we get?" I asked as we arrived at the market place, he pointed to the fruit and veg vendor.

"Good choice. You remember where you have to go?" I asked, he nodded before he let go of my hand and ran to his little alley, I smiled before walking to the vendor and looking at the vegetables, "Stupid brat!" I heard someone yell from the direction Rivaille was in my eyes widened before I grabbed anything and ran in his direction, I grabbed Rivaille's hand before running down the alleyway, we got away from the vendor and made our way back home, we got on to our hallway when I was pinned against the wall.

"Listen here brat. You're either gonna start working for me or you can find somewhere else to live" the man growled "Ro-Get your hands off my daughter" my mother yelled as she stormed over pushing the man off me "She's old enough to work for me Mil-" "She's seven!" Mother yelled cutting him off, I got Rivaille and left for his room, we got inside and Rivaille gave Kuchel a hug while I placed the vegetables on the table before sitting down.

"Rowena?" Rivaille asked making me look towards him, he smiled before giving me a hug, I looked towards Kuchel who had a worried look on her face, I gave her a weak smile before pulling away from Rivaille, "You two got a lot of stuff" Kuchel said, I smiled "I'm gonna go check on my mother. Won't be long" I say, Kuchel nodded and I left, I went into my room to find her on the floor, I ran over to her "Mama?" I asked turning her over to see blood coming from her mouth.

I put my ear to her chest trying to hear her heart, "No! Mama!" I cried shaking her body, "Row-Oh my" Kuchel said coming in and over to me, she pulled me into a hug as I cried into her someone else came into the room "You either work for me or you're out" the man said, my glare hardened as I got up and punched him making him buckle over so I grabbed his hair and threw him to the floor, Kuchel watched in horror as I stormed up to the man.

"Don't underestimate me" I growled before kicking him in the face, Kuchel took me out of the room and into hers were Rivaille was on the bed, "Mama, what's wrong?" He asked slightly tilting his head, "Rowena's gonna be living with us for a while" she said making him smile jumping off the bed and giving me a hug, I crouched down giving him a proper hug, "I love you" he whispered making me smile.

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