Just Like You | Part 3 (End)

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Lucia Kolman.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lucia's POV

We only just got out of the gates and they was Titans everywhere, I kept my eyes forward while Fiona and Isaac were looking around, the signal was given to spread out we did so before a Titan appeared in front of Fiona making her squeal as she avoided its bite, I growled before standing up on the back of my horse and pulling my blades out, "Lucia don't-" Isaac said before I took off and killed the Titan before landing on Fiona's horse, "Be more careful" I growled, she nodded and got closer to my horse so I could get back on.

We spilt up into the formation, Fiona, Isaac and myself were a part of the left 'bait' group, "I want to drive this blade so slow through his heart he understands that what he did was a mistake" Isaac said before pulling his blade out, Fiona chuckled "Maybe the next kill assignment pipsqueak. I've got this one" she said and I let out a sigh, "No, the one to kill him will be me" I growled as my grip on the reins tightened.


"I'll make my way to him now" I say, "Stay safe" Isaac said before I took off, it was raining but I couldn't care less as holding my hood up would cause to much hassle, I came to a stop as I saw blood and soldiers bodies everywhere, "Why didn't they let off a signal?" I mumbled, a black flare was let off making me look towards a soldier "Tit....an" he said pointing in a direction before passing away, my eyes widened as I looked to the direction he pointed "I past it?" I asked before heading towards Fiona and Isaac.

I heard a scream making me kick my horse mentioning to go faster, my horse fell over something making me fall off it, I tumbled on the ground before getting on my knees and seeing Isaacs head making me gasp, I heard growling making me look up to see Fiona in a Titans mouth, the Titan looked at me before spitting half of Fiona out, something snapped inside before pulling out my blades and slicing every part of its body making sure I avoided the nape, I finally sliced its nape before landing and letting tears stream down my face along with a frustrated scream.


Rivaille and his squad finally arrived, Rivaille came up to me "Seems like you're the only survivor" he said, I remained silent "Tch. Pathetic" he said before I went to put my blade to his neck, he caught it "I will kill you" I growled, "I know the real reason you're here" he said making my eyes widened as I dropped my blades "You'll be joining my squad for the ride back. Everyone! We leave for the wall!" He yelled making me raise an eyebrow as he walked away from me.


We arrived back at HQ a few hours ago, everyone was in the Mess hall eating while I was on the roof wondering what will happen now he knows that I was sent to kill him.
I was walking away from main market when I heard muffled speaking and whimpering, I peered through the window to see a girl a bit younger than me binded while two men were sat talking "How much do you think she'll sell for?" One of them said, my eyes widened, I went back into the main market before going over to the Military Police "You've got to help! This girl's gonna be sold" I say, they laughed and patted my shoulder before sending me off.

I growled before noticing a fruit vendor with a knife, I snook over to the vendor before stealing the knife and going back to the building the men were in, I picked up a rock before throwing it through the window and climbing above the door, one of the men came out and looked down the streets "Stupid brats!" He yelled before I jumped down on him stabbing him in the throat, he fell to the floor and I turned around only to narrowly avoid the grip of the other man, I sliced his hand before kicking him in the stomach causing him to stumble backwards.

I stabbed him repetitively in the chest before sighing and getting up going over to the girl and cutting the ropes off her, "I'm Lucia" I say helping her up, "What about the third and fourth?" She asked, "The what-?" I asked before the door burst open revealing two more men, my eyes widened before grabbing the knife throwing it into one of the men before the other grabbed hold of me and pinned me against the wall, strangling me "I saved you. You owe me one!" I choked, she picked up the knife before walking up slowly and slicing his throat, his body dropping along with me, I sighed "Thanks" I say, "Fiona Curbs" she said holding out her hand, I shook it "Lucia Kolman" I say.
*End of Flashback*

I saved her from them men yet I couldn't save her from a stupid Titan, I sighed looking up to the stars I wanna see the stars in the open, one day.

I was cleaning my 3Dimensional gear before they was banging on the door making me raise an eyebrow, Fiona went over to the side of it while I stood up, I nodded and she did before pulling the door open and a boy fell in, I rolled my eyes "It's just a kid" I say going over to Fiona "I'm not a kid!" He yelled making me raise an eyebrow before looking out of the door, "Who you running from?" Fiona asked going over to him, I rolled my eyes "Always the caring one" I mumbled before noticing a group of men coming around the corner.

"Hey! You see a kid run through here?!" One of them asked, I shrugged "Might have" I say, one of them began coming up the steps before stopping and his eyes landing on the kid, "How about we take this brat off your hands?" He said coming in and patting my shoulder, I sliced his hand before kicking him back down the steps, "You think you can touch me with your filthy hands" I scoffed, they wondered away and I closed the door.

"I'm Fiona. That's Lucia" Fiona said making me roll my eyes as I sat down at my gear "Isaac Manlio" he said before his eyes landed on the gear, "Hey! Let be one of you!" He said, I looked towards him raising an eyebrow "I wanna see the stars in the open, one day" he said making stand up "Learn how to fight before you learn how to use the gear" I say before leaving the house.
*End of Flashback*

"This is where you are" someone said coming over to me, they sat down next to me making me raise an eyebrow as I found it to be Rivaille, he held out an apple "You haven't eaten" he said, I shrugged "I'll be fine" I say, he clicked his tongue before putting the apple in my hand, I sighed and silence fell upon us, minus the crunching of me biting into the apple, "How are you?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "I'm fine" I say, he clicked his tongue again "That's not true" he said.

"Oh cause you're an expert on feelings" I say standing up, "I've experienced death a lot more than you" he said standing up, I scoffed "I find that hard to believe" I say, he raised an eyebrow "What the hell have you been through?" He asked making me freeze to the spot, "More than you" I say looking at the ground, he chuckled "I find that hard to believe" he said making me raise an eyebrow, I turned to look at him, "You're mother dying at the age of 2 Having your father ditch you in the street at the age of 4. Being taught how to fight by some random guy until I was 7. Looking after myself until I was 13. Saving Fiona and Isaac from some arse holes. Finding them dead after being devoured by a Titan. Think I win" I say.

His eyes widened before pulling me into a hug making me tense up, I eased up a little and hugged him back, he pulled away and looked me in the eyes "Someone so young shouldn't have been through that" he said, I rolled my eyes "I'm 6years younger than you" I say making him shrug, "Still young" he said before kissing my forehead.

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