Princess and the Peasant | Part 4

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is same as last time Lilliana Halliday.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lilliana's POV
I've been living with Levi for a couple of months, I was making breakfast before the T.V came on with breaking news, I turned it up "The Queen arrived moments ago back in the country, after retreating from the Kings assassination a few months, only to be shot dead on her way out of the plane. We go to Petra who's live at the scene" the reporter said.

"Thank you Mike, as you can see-Wait what's that?" She asked pointing behind the camera, the camera turn around revealing a banner, 'We will only be ruled by the true Queen of our country!' I read it, I gasped "What's up Lil?" Levi asked resting his head on my shoulder, "Olivia was assassinated when she returned this morning. Then that banner has just appeared" I explained.

"We will only be ruled by the true Queen of our country?" He said but it sounded more like a question, "Me. They want me to take the crown" I say, he turned me around grabbing my face "You're not doing it. They could kill you" he said, I sighed grabbing his hands "I'm the only thing this country has left" I say, he nodded "Fine. We'll go back to the castle today" he said, I smiled before lifting his head to meet my eyes.

"I'll be fine. You're by my side along with Eren, Connie and Sasha" I say making him smile, "Get changed, we'll leave in an hour" he said, I gave him a peck on the cheek before running upstairs, I called Eren "Lilliana?" He answered, "Eren, it's nice to hear your voice again" I said, he chuckled "You too. I'm sorry about the Queen" he said, "Don't be. I was never close with her. But you knew that already" I say.

He sighed "I did. So what's up?" He asked, "I'm going back to the castle" I said, I heard a thud on his side, "I'll meet you there" he said before hanging up, I called up Sasha "Miss Lilliana?" She answered, "It hasn't changed for the past few months Sasha. Call me Lilliana" I say, "Of course. Yes Connie it's Lilliana" she said before they was a beep, "Lilliana?" Connie asked, "Hello Connie. Listen I'm going back up to the castle today" I say, "I've been waiting for this" he said making me chuckle "We'll meet you there Lilliana" Sasha said before I hung up.

I got changed before going downstairs finding Levi, Hange and Erwin in the front room "You ready?" Levi asked coming over to me, I nodded "Your ride awaits" Erwin said opening the door while Hange opened the car, I got in the back with Levi while Hange and Erwin got in the front before driving to the castle, we pulled into the grounds and I saw all of the staff here, "News travels fast" Levi said making me nod.

He held my hand "I'll be right next you the whole time" he said as the car came to a stop, I sighed before the door was opened and I stepped out, Levi got out next to me and held my hand giving it a squeeze, as I walked to the front door everyone bowed "Your highness" they said, I got to the front door opening it revealing Eren, Sasha and Connie, I ran towards them giving them a hug, "God I missed you all" I said pulling away, "You too, Lilliana" Sasha said, "Mr Ackerman, it's good to see you again" Connie said, "Connie you don't have to be formal with me. I'm in the same class as you" Levi said approaching my side.

"Your highness" Reiner said coming up to me before bowing "Rise Reiner. None of you have to bow for me" I say as the staff came into the castle, "Of course. The priest would like to have a meeting with you later today" he said, I nodded "Very well" I say, I looked upon Levi, Eren, Sasha and Connie, "Reiner, where's Annie now?" I asked, "She's still in town if that's what your on about" he said, I nodded "I want her back as my personal guard along with Eren" I say making his eyes widened before nodding and walking away.

"Krista, Ymir" I say they came over to me, "Your highness" they said, "Would you kindly set up one of the guest rooms for Levi" I say making him gasped "What? You don't have to do that" he said making me look at him, "Yes I do. You're now living in the Castle with me" I say, he went to object but I glared at him making him nod, "Of course. Shall his room be near yours?" Krista asked, I nodded before her and Ymir hurried off.

"Lilliana, the press is here" Erwin said as he and Hange came in, I nodded before leaving the castle with them close by my side "Princess Lilliana. Where have you been?" "What are your thoughts on these assassins?" "Are you able to rule the country by yourself?" Were some of the questions I heard, I sighed "I've been in the city living among the people. As for these assassins, I would like them to come forward, so I can ask them why they killed the King and Queen. I think I'll manage ruling by myself however should I marry it would make the duties more manageable" I say, "What will you do to the assassins?" Someone asked before they was a thud behind me.

I turned around to see two hooded figures walking towards me, Erwin and Hange went to attack them "Stop there" I say to them before walking towards the hooded figures, they stopped before pulling their hoods down and bowing, "Your highness" they said, I gasped "We apologise for killing the King and Queen. We'll accept all responsibility for our actions and any punishment-" they said before they were cut off by someone yelling and a guard going to attack them, "No stop!" I yell before female went to attack the guard, I ran towards the female "Lilliana!" Levi yelled before I knocked the knife out her hand and caught it myself before holding it against her neck.

"Soldier get back into line!" Reiner yelled, the female assassin chuckled "Not bad your highness" she said before flipping me over her shoulder making me land on my back, I groaned before getting up "Why did you do it?" I asked "Like the banner said. The true Queen needs to rule" she said, I scoffed "What are your names?" I asked, "Isabel Magnolia" she said, "Furlan Church" he said.

I nodded "Isabel, Furlan I hereby sentence you to prison until you're put on trial for your crimes against the crown" I say, they held up their hands before Hange and Erwin grabbed them and putting them in the back of the car, Levi ran over to me giving me a hug "Thank god your safe" he said before pulling away, I noticed Annie stood their with an smile, I approached her and she went to bow but I stopped her "They is no need to bow Annie" I say, she chuckled "Still the same then. However they aren't the moves I taught you" she said, I smiled "No, I had Levi teach me" I say mentioning him, she nodded "Pretty badass" she said as the car with the assassins drove away.

I smiled "Why do you want me as a personal body guard?" She asked, "You were the only person who understood me. I wanted you back" I say, "But you've already got some to understand you" she said looking over to Levi, I smiled "Yeah, I guess I do" I say looking over to him.

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