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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Charlotte Bott.
This is an Epilogue (sorta) to the chapter 'Please Don't Leave Me'.
Until next time my loves💋
Charlotte's POV
I opened my eyes and looked around to see white everything, I raised an eyebrow, "Charlotte?" Marco said "Little brother" I said, my eyes widened before I ran over to him giving him a hug, tears streaming down my face "I'm dead, aren't I?" I asked, he pulled away, wiped my tears and nodded, I smiled and gave him another hug, "Marco?" I heard someone say from behind me, I pulled away to see Jean stood there with tears streaming down his face.

I left them two alone before wandering, "Charlotte!" Hange yelled as she tackled me with a hug, "Hange, I'm so sorry. I should of got there sooner. I-" she cover my mouth with her hand, "Shush. You did your best. And I thank you for that" she said taking her hand away, I smiled "Where is everyone?" I asked, she lead me over to Mike and Erwin, "Charlotte" Erwin said as he pulled me into a hug, I pulled away smiling.

"It's good to see you again Erwin" I say, he nodded before I turned to Mike, who saluted, I rolled my eyes before saluting back making him smile before pulling me into a hug, "Charlotte?" A voice said and I froze to the spot, taking a breath and turning around to see Levi, I smiled before running and jumping into his arms, he spun me around before putting me down and burying his head into my neck, I had a death grip on him making sure I never lost him ever again.

He pulled away wearing a smile before I crashed my lips on to his, I smiled into it as he returned it with just as much passion as me, I pulled away and rested my forehead against him, "I'm so sorry" I say as tears rolled down my face, he wiped them away "For what?" He asked, "Wanting to kill myself" I say, he pulled me into him "For once I was glad that Four-Eyes was there" he said as he stroked my hair, I laughed before pulling away, "There's laugh I love and missed" he said making me smile.

"Come. I need to introduce you to someone" he said taking my hand and leading me somewhere, a female stood with her back to us talking to another, Levi cleared his throat making them both look at us, one was my mother and the other looked relatively close to Levi, I smiled before doing a half-hearted run into my mothers arms, I broke down in them and she stroked my hair, "Shh, my little Angel" she said.

"It's been so hard without you" I sobbed, she chuckled before pulling away and making me look at her, "You had done so well" she said wiping the tears as she smiled "Charlotte, I would like to introduce you to my mother" Levi said making me turn and go up to him and his mother, I smiled and stuck my hand out "It's lovely to finally meet you, Miss Ackerman" I say, she laughed before pulling me into a hug which I happily accepted, "Call me Kuchel" she whispered, I nodded and she pulled away.

"Thank you for saving my angel" she said as she rested a hand on Levi's shoulder, I raised an eyebrow "I don't understand" I say, she smiled "You saved him by making him understand that someone cares about him" she said and I smiled looking towards him, "Not everyone's doomed to spend eternity alone" I say making him roll his eyes and laugh, "The first thing you said to me" he said, I nodded and he came over to me giving me a hug, planting a kiss on my forehead, "I love you" he said, I looked up to him giving him a kiss, "I love you too" I say.

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