Please Don't Leave Me

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Charlotte Bott.
Until next time my loves💋
Charlotte's POV
I killed another Titan before landing on a tree branch and changing my gas, "Captain!" I heard someone yell making my head shoot in the direction, I flew over and saw Levi on the ground, I landed and kneeled down next to him, "Levi?" I said, "Charlotte, you're putting yourself in danger" he said, I smiled before looking at him.

He began to cough violently making my eyes widened as I gripped on to his hand, "I'm not loosing another person I care about to these Titans" I say, he squeezed my hand, "I'm sorry" he said, "For what?" I asked, "For not admitting my feelings for you earlier" he said, tears began to fill up in my eyes as his began to close, "Rivaille Ackerman don't you dare give up on me!" I yelled, he chuckled "You always were stubborn" he said making me laugh.

He smiled "There's the laugh I love" he said before he passed away, I laid my head on his chest "Please don't leave me" I cried, I heard thudding making my fists clench before standing up "Say hi to Marco for me" I say before I pulled out my blades as I flew towards the group of Titans that were heading towards me, I killed two before the third caught me, "I refuse to die at your hands" I growled before slicing its fingers off.

I sliced the nape before noticing a Titan going for Levi's body, I flew at it before slicing its nape as I let out a yell, I landed next to Levi's body before hugging him and crying, "Please come back" I cry as I rocked back and forth.

Levi's POV
I looked over Charlotte as she hugged my body crying, I crouched down and hugged her, "I'm sorry, my love" I say, "Charlotte-Oh my" Four-eyes said as she and the squad landed next to her, Hange touched her shoulder but she pushed her off "Leave me to die!" She yelled, Hange's eyes widened "I doubt Shorty would want you to die" she said making me stand up.

"I don't care! I can't live without him!" Charlotte cried, I smiled "Listen here, my love, I will always be with you. Watching you be the badass you are and kill all the titans. Loosing your patience with the young ones. Just promise me that you won't give up" I say placing my hands on her shoulder.

She stood up "Jaeger, turn into a Titan and kill me" she said, "I can't-" "Jaeger, I'm ordering you to kill me!" She yelled cutting Jaeger off "Charlotte, I'm sorry" four-eyes said before knocking her out, I sighed in relief, "Put them in the back of the wagon, we leave for HQ" Hange said.

Charlotte's POV
I woke up in the basement of HQ, I went to move but found that I was chained to the wall, "Charlotte, it's for your own good" Hange said making me look up, "Oh, just because I wanted to die so I could be with my fiancé and brother. I have to be locked up" I say, she sighed "Levi wouldn't want you to do that. He would want you to live on being the badass you are" she said, "What do you know what he wanted for me?!" I yelled.

"He came to me! Asking for help to get you to go on a date with him! To ask you to be his girlfriend! To ask you to marry him!" She yelled, I sighed before looking down, she sighed "I'm sorry Charlotte but I promised Shorty that I wouldn't let you die if he did" she said before leaving the basement.

"I'm so sorry Levi" I say as tears streamed down my face, I took out a hair pin from my hair before pick locking the chains, I stood up and left the cell before going upstairs, I walked into the Mess hall making everyone gasp, "What is she doing?" "How did she get out?" Were the questions that were being whispered throughout the hall, I grabbed a coffee before sitting down with the young ones.

"Charlotte?" Krista said making me look at her, "Yes?" I asked, she gave me a weak smile before coming over and giving me a hug, I sighed before looking over to Eren "Jaeger, I'm sorry for ordering you to kill me" I say, he nodded "She what?!" I heard Hange yell, "You had one job! And you blew it! She could be anywhere!" Hange said making me chuckle.

I got up and went towards her before giving her a hug, "C-Charlotte?" She said hugging me back, I pulled away "My office now" she said before leading me to her office, we arrived and I sat down "How did you get out?" She asked, "Hair pin" I say, she nodded "I'm sorry for lashing out Hange. I promise that I haven't any intention of killing myself" I say, she smiled "As Commander, I'm promoting you to Captain of the Elite Squad" she said making my eyes widen.

"You can't do that!" I yelled, she chuckled "I can and have. You were just as talented as Shorty. Maybe even better" she said making me smile, I saluted her before leaving the office.

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