Assassin and the Prince | Part 1

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Laura Breen.
AU is modern, sorta.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Laura's POV
"Breen!" Reiner yelled as he came into the training room, "What Reiner?!" I asked as I hung upside down from a beam, "Erwin wants to see you" he said, I rolled my eyes before unhooking my legs and landing on my feet, I walked past Reiner heading towards Erwin's office, "Have you heard. Annie and Mikasa are going to have a fight at 12" I heard someone gossip as I walked past.

I rolled my eyes before arriving at Erwin's office, I walked in "Erwin you wanted me" I say "Yes, I've got an assignment for you" he said handing me the file, I flipped through it "The royals? What do you to happen?" I asked placing the file back on his desk, "Kidnap the Prince" he said making me smirk "Easily done" I say before hearing a commotion outside, I went over to the window seeing that the gossiper was right.

"A moment" I say before jumping out of the window and going over to the fight, I pushed through the crowd before seeing Annie and Mikasa with knives, they turned to me "Looks like your plan worked Ackerman" Annie said as they approached me, I scoffed before quickly disarming them both and walking away "Amateurs" I say before going to Erwin's office, "You'll leave in the morning" he said, I nodded before saluting and leaving to go back into the training room.

"Do you ever leave this room?" Eren asked making me roll my eyes, "What do you want?" I asked, "Your kidnapping the Prince for me tomorrow" he said, "For you?" I asked, he nodded before leaving, I raised an eyebrow before shrugging and continuing to work out, "Speak Armin" I say as I hopped off the bars turning to see him there, "How did you-?" "Senses. What's up?" I asked.

"I've got you a lay out of the castle and marked out where the Prince goes everyday for you" he said handing me the paper, I nodded before ruffling his hair, "Thanks brainiac" I say making him smile before he saluted and left the room, I went up to my room to study the layout, they was a knock at my door "Name?!" I yell, "Krista" she said, I opened the door to see her standing there with a tray of food and coffee, she set it down on the table before saluting and leaving, I smiled such a sweetheart, I drank my coffee and ate some food before sighing and climbing into bed.

I woke up and took the layout and my weapons before leaving for the jet, "Early as always Laura" Jean said, I nodded before boarding, I sat down and enjoyed the flight before we landed "See you back at HQ" I say before getting out, I walked towards the hotel and towards the receptionist, "Always a pleasure to see you" Hange said handing me the key to the penthouse, I nodded before going in the elevator and up to the Penthouse.

I dumped my bag of weapons down on the floor before taking them all out setting them on the table, I went over to the balcony where I could easily see the castle from, I smirked before grabbing my pistols and putting them in the holders while I got my knife and placed it down my boot, I left the penthouse and went towards Hange, "The Prince has visitors in today. Be careful" she whispered before I nodded and left the hotel.

I was walking the perimeter of the castle ground looking for an easy way in and out, sadly they wasn't any, I climbed over the back fence which was the closest way to get in to where the Prince was having his meeting, I climbed on to the balcony and looked in the window to see no one was in there at the moment, so I got in and hid myself.

After half an hour, the Prince and his guests arrived and sat around the table before talking about politics, I sighed before pulling out my pistol and making myself visible, "Don't make a sound" I say holding the gun against the Prince's head, "Gu-!" One of his guests yelled before I shot him, "It goes for everyone else" I say as they all look upon the dead body.

"Stand up your highness" I ordered, he did so I grabbed him before walking backwards to the balcony door, "What do you want with me?" He asked, "I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service" I say before guards burst through the door, I held the gun towards the guards "Don't worry your highness" one of them said making me chuckle, "Now how do you exactly want to do this?" I asked.

"We could have a shootout probably killing everyone in this room. Or you could let me take the prince quietly" I say as I opened the balcony door, the guards held up their guns making me smirk "Exactly what I thought" I say before throwing the Prince over the balcony wall before jumping down myself, I grabbed the Prince before running to the back wall, "Hange! Back wall now!" I yell into the ear piece, "Already here sweet cheeks" she said making me roll my eyes.

I threw the Prince over the wall, I climbed over it myself before I was shot in the upper leg, I fell on the other side before climbing into the car "Breen-" "Drive!" I yell as I slammed the door shut, she nodded before starting the engine and speeding off, "She needs to be taken to a hospital" the prince said, I held the pistol to his head "What I need is to complete this assignment" I grunted as I held my leg.

"You'll die" he said making me raise an eyebrow "I've just kidnapped you. Why are you concerned about my well being?" I asked lowering the pistol, he grabbed my pistol making me quickly react and hit him in the face knocking him out, I put the pistol away before inspecting my leg, I pulled my knife out before sticking it in the bullet hole and fishing out the bullet, I inspected the bullet "Shit, you got sniped" Hange said as we came to a stop, I nodded before dropping the bullet and getting out the car.

Hange pulled out the Prince before searching him, she pulled out his phone and threw it to me, I dropped it on the floor before crushing it, "I'll disable the cameras so you can get in through the back" she said before leaving, I picked up the prince before limping over to the back door, I set him down as I ripped my shirt and wrapped it around my leg, I picked him up "Cameras are down for 3minutes" Hange said.

I got through the back door and to the elevator before going up to the penthouse, "I'm in the room. Thanks Hange" I say, "Anytime" she said before I took the earpiece out and crushed it, "Where am I?" The prince groaned as he rubbed his head before he noticed me and stood up "I demand you take me back to the castle" he demanded making me chuckled before knocking him down "Keep quiet buttercup. It'll be over soon" I say.

His eyes fell on my wound before he kicked me in it making my leg buckle as I fell, he tried making a run for it but I threw the knife in to the wall next to his head "I won't hesitate to kill you. So be a good Prince and stay put" I say going over to him and dragging him to the table before tying him to it, I pulled the knife out before they was a knock on the door, I opened it and Hange came in with a first aid kit, I closed the door behind her before sitting down, "Let's have a look at this" she said before taking the rag off my leg.

She cut the jeans off me, "They were my favourite jeans" I growled, she shrugged "You have more at HQ" she said before putting antiseptic on it making me hiss, "Warning next time" I spat, "Sorry" she said before wrapping the wound up, I sighed as I laid back on the couch, "I brought alcohol to take the pain off" she said, I smiled taking it off her "Thank you" I say before taking a swig, she left the room and I put some shorts on before going over to the Prince, "What does Jaeger want with you, your highness?" I asked.

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