Remedy | Part 1

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is Ezmeralda Borcic.
AU is Modern.
Until next time my loves💋
Ezmeralda's POV
"Everyone on the floor!" A man yelled, I got down looking around seeing that the rest of the people around were a couple of adults and kids, must be some field trip, "Are you deaf?! Get down!" He yelled again, I looked up to see a kid tears streaming down their face as the got to the floor, "Help!" A woman yelled before a gunshot went off making everyone jump, "Mum!" The kid yelled getting up.

"Stay down!" The guy said holding the gun to the kid, I took my heels off before getting up, "You get down!" He said aiming the gun towards me, I froze in place holding my hands up "Let me comfort the poor boy" I say mentioning the kid, he came over to me and hit me around the face, "Don't order me! I've got the gun!" He yelled, I lowered myself as he walked away before picking my heels up and throwing them at him before grabbing the kid and pushing him into cover as the guy shot randomly.

I gasped as I shot up, alarms going off making me panic, "Miss Borcic, I need you to stay calm" A Doctor said as he and a couple of nurses came into my room, I calmed down and laid back, the nurses left "Good to see you awake Miss Borcic. I'm Doctor Ackerman" he said, I nodded "The kid? What happened to him?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow "Oh you mean Eren Jaeger. He's in a coma" he said as he looked through my file, I held my hand out making him look up from the file.

"What?" He asked, "I want the file" I say, he closed it "I can't allow you to do that-" "Well Dr. Ackerman, I'm also a Doctor so how about you give me my file" I say cutting him off, "Where's your ID?" He asked, I sighed putting my hand down, "It was in my bag. Wherever that's been put" I say, he left the room and came back with a box, he handed it me and I looked through the stuff, "I don't remember bleeding that much" I muttered as I looked at my top I wore on the day of the accident.

I got my bag and went through it before pulling out my ID badge, "Here" I say handing it over to him, he looked at it before his eyes widened "Doctor Emerald is you?" He asked, I smiled "Yeah, it's easier for the kids I work with to call me that instead of Ezmeralda" I say taking it back, "Wait how do you know of me?" I asked, "We work in the same hospital, however I work with the adults" he said, I nodded "Fair enough" I say going for my file but stopped due to the pain in my side, "You're on bedrest. So don't do vigorous movements unless you want you're stitches out and bleeding to death" he said handing me my file, I smiled "Thanks" I say before opening the file.


"Doctor Emerald!" I heard a kid yell as I was on wander about, in a wheelchair, I smiled and went into their room, "Hiya Armin, how've you been?" I asked as he got off the bed and gave me a hug, "I'm almost better!" He yelled, I held my hand up for a high-five, "Good on you buddy. Has Doctor Eyebrows been nice to you?" I asked, he nodded "Yeah but not as nice as you" he said making me smile, he beamed back before frowning as he looked at the wheelchair, "Why are you in that?" He asked, "I got in a bad accident so I'm a patient like you" I say, he smiled "Let's be roommates!" He said making me laugh.

Someone cleared their throat behind me making me turn around "Doctor Ackerman, what can I do for you?" I asked, "You're suppose to be on bedrest" he said coming in the room, "Aw Doctor Emerald, you told me that I couldn't get out of bed when I was on bedrest so you shouldn't be either" Armin said making me chuckle, "Armin, adults are different" I say, "No they're not. Armin's right" Ackerman said making me glare at him, "Naughty Doctor Emerald, get to bed" Armin said giggling, I shook my head before hugging him, "I'll see you later, okay" I say, he nodded before I wheeled out of the room, I turned in the direction of my office making Ackerman sigh.

"You realise your room is the other way" he said as he walked at the side of me, I nodded "I'm going to change into something more comfortable. These things are horrible" I say mentioning the hospital dress, he shook his head before going behind me and pushing me to my office, "Emerald" Erwin, or Doctor Eyebrows said, I smiled and stood up "Hello Erwin" I say hugging him, "What are you doing here?" He asked, "She's getting changed before being put back to bed" Ackerman said making me sigh, "You're suppose to be on bedrest, aren't you?" He asked, I nodded before going into my office leaving the door open as I got changed, I heard him sigh, "You know the rules Emerald" he said, "You know how I always have to keep busy, Erwin" I say before I came back out in some black jeans and a white button up top, "That's comfortable?" Ackerman asked, I nodded as I sat back down in the wheelchair, he sighed before wheeling me back to my room.


I was going through the paperwork on my desk when they was a knock on my door, "Come in" I say, the door opened and I looked up to see Levi stood there "Doctor Ackerman, what do I owe?" I asked, "Check up" he said making me sigh, "I'm all healed up. What's they to check up on?" I asked, "I'm your doctor" he said making me roll my eyes, after he finished the check up, he smiled "You're all good. Now how about we have lunch" he said making me raise an eyebrow "Are you asking me out?" I asked, "Depends" he shrugged, "Depends on what?" I asked, "Your reply" he said, I smiled "I guess we could have lunch" I say making him smile before we left for lunch.

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