Princess and the Peasant | Part 6

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G'day everyone, How's everything?
The OC name is same as last time Lilliana Halliday.
Contains Strong Language.
Until next time my loves💋
Lilliana's POV
"Lilliana?" Connie asked he came into the study, "Connie, can I help you?" I asked, he closed the door "Do you know what's wrong with Sasha? She's not acting like herself" he said, I raised an eyebrow "No but I'll be sure to ask her" I say, he nodded "Thank you" he said, I smiled "Anything else?" I asked, "Ah Levi wants you to meet him in the middle of the maze" he said before leaving, I smiled before getting up and going out over to the maze.

I made my way to middle, I found a note 'Close your eyes' I smiled before closing them and walking into the middle, "Open them" Levi whispered from behind me, I opened them to find a picnic, I looked towards him "Did you set this up?" I asked, "With some help from Connie and Eren" he said, I smiled before sitting down on the blanket, he sat down on the other side, "Wine?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow before nodding, he poured me some and handed me the glass, "What's the special occasion?" I asked taking a sip, "You've forgot?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow "Enlighten me" I say, he leant over to me "Happy birthday" he whispered giving me a peck on the cheek before sitting back.

I gasped, "I've been so busy ruling that I forgot my own birthday. How embarrassing" I say putting my head in my hands, he chuckled "You have been busier these last few weeks" he said, I finished the wine before standing up "Where are you going?" He asked, "Try find me" I say as I left the centre of the maze, I ran through many turns before coming to a dead end, I sighed before staying still, I saw Levi go past so I went a different path, "Come on now Lil! I haven't lived here as long as you!" He yelled making me laugh "You're giving up already?!" I asked, "No, not until I find a Queen" he said making me smile, I stopped in a pathway catching my breath.

I heard footsteps approaching so I backed away from them before I was picked up from behind "Found you" Levi said as he set me back down and rested his head on my shoulder, I leaned back into him placing my hands on top of his, "I haven't done that in a while" I say, "Really?" He asked, I nodded "Yeah the last time was with my mother, the day she died" I say, he kissed my cheek, "I'm sure she's proud of you" he said, I smiled before looking up into the sky which was darkening by the moment, "I hope she is. All I wanted was to just be like her" I say, he turned me around to face him and kissed my forehead, "What've I told you? A sad look doesn't suit you" he said, I looked him in the eyes, he began to lean down so I met him half way, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in closer.

We both pulled away smiling at each other, "Come. I've got another surprise" he said taking my hand and leading me out of the maze and into the castle, we stopped outside a room, "Your highness" the guards said as they bowed, I nodded and they opened the door before walking inside "Happy birthday!" The staff yelled, I smiled as Sasha, Connie, Eren, Annie and Reiner came up to me giving me a hug, "Happy birthday Lilly" they said "I don't know what to say. Thank you all" I say tears filling my eyes, I wiped them "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Levi asked, I smiled "I'm overwhelmed, no one has ever done this" I say, he chuckled giving me a hug.


I walked over to Sasha "Are you alright? Connie said you haven't been acting yourself lately" I say, she took my hand and lead me outside "I think I might be pregnant" she said making my eyes widen, "Oh my god. Wait, what do you mean think? Haven't you done a test?" I asked, she shook her head, I grabbed her hand before leading her to my mothers bathroom, I went through the draws before finding a test, I handed it her "Take it. I'll be outside" I say before leaving the bathroom, she came out a few moments later with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked, she showed me the positive test making me give her a hug "Congratulations" I say before pulling away "Why are you crying?" I asked, "What if Connie doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby?" She said, I made her look me in the eyes "If he doesn't then I'll be by your side every step of the way. If he does then you'll have him and me, just tell him or you'll never know" I say, she wiped her eyes before nodding.

We went back into the party and she went over to Connie before they went outside, "Where did you disappear to?" Levi asked making me jump, "Announce yourself before speaking" I say lightly hitting him, he chuckled "Sasha's pregnant. I had to talk to her" I say, he smiled "You really do care for your staff" he said, "Sasha's been working for me for 6 years, I've come to think of her as a younger sister" I say he nodded, I looked up to him, he went to say something before I grabbed his face and kissing him, he seemed shocked at first but quickly took control by pulling me closer and deepening the kiss, I smiled before pulling away "If you wanted to kiss you should of just said" he said smirking, "It's about time!" Eren yelled making me chuckle, I noticed Sasha with a huge smile and Connie hugging her.

The birthday cake came through the doors making my eyes widened as it came towards me, everyone was singing Happy Birthday, "Make a wish" Levi whispered before I blew out all the candles, I smiled.

I wish that everything goes to plan and that Sasha's baby is born well.

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