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May 29th, 2017. (Lisa doesn't exist.)

"You're joking!" I stutter, my mouth hanging open a little, I run my hands through my long hair that is a coral color.

"Not at all," Ashland, my manager, "They called a week ago, I told you we were going on tour. I didn't tell you who with for a reason."

"And the others know? And they're not flipping?"

"They know."

I glance over at the guys, loading the musical things onto the white tour bus. "Alright, well, I'm happy about this. Nervous, but happy."

"I understand."

"I've never toured huge before, and then there's the fact that, that it's them. People love them."

"Well, we have to load up. You have thousands of fans waiting to see you guys. While you're on the bus, go over setlist together. Do that as soon as you settle in, alright? I'll expect a call when you get to the venue. I'll of course, be there earlier, but you guys have to be on the bus." He's taking a car, because they go faster and he has managing to do first.

"Okay." I smile.

"Have fun, Petal. It'll be a wonderful experience. And if you need anything, the boys will be there. We love you."

I get on the bus, nervously. "Why didn't you guys tell me that we're touring with All Time Low as what they announced 'Suprise Guests?' I legitimately bought tickets to their concert back here next month."

They laughed, "Well, now you can give it away." Silas, my brother and the bands lead gutairist chuckles.

"No." I wink. "I'll give it to the babe down the street." He knew I was kidding, but he still went into protective brother mode, clenching his jaw and his very light blond hair being stored with his hands. He's pretty buff, and I'm jealous of that.

"Are you nervous?" Gavin interrogates, he's the drummer. He has short brown hair with a quiff, buzzed on the sides.

"Nervous to go on my first actual tour, in a bus inatead of a van? Yes." I smile.

"Have you taken your meds?" Sil asks, nicely. His hazel eyes shining.

"Not yet, I should though."

"Mhm." I reach into my purse and Gavin throws me a water bottle, I take my meds and wait for it to kick in.

I have Bipolar depression and anxiety. It's stressful, but it definitely is helpful, for me, to take medication. I get too angry, and often mood swings are stressful for everyone.

"Well, we'll be in LA in about two hours. Did Ashland give us any tasks?" The bassist, Andy inquires. He's got black hair, also really strong, and has brown eyes that should practically be black, his sleeves of basic black tattoos showing.

"Yeah, let's go over setlist. He also wants me in what I'm wearing to the concert and not in my pajamas." I chuckle.

We go over setlist real quick, and I go pick out an outfit, deciding on black high waisted shorts and a nearly sheer white shirt. I choose a black basic bra, black vans, and I leave my hair down in a bun and messy. I quickly do nude makeup, no eyeliner, and pale pink lips.

By the time I was dressed and ready, we had about ten minutes left.

"You guys are unloading, right?" I beg. "Since you're big strong men?"

"Fine." They groan. I smile my thanks.

"When did you get a new tattoo? The one below your bra?" Gavin barks.

"I got it about two weeks ago." It was a simple smiley face, but black and my tanned skin color.

"I like it." Silas says.

He helped me pick out my other tattoos, I have an All Time Low tattoo on my shoulder blade with the song qoute "before you ask which way to go, remember where you've been." I also have a trail of petals from a crisanthimum below my armpt. And tattoos of woods also on that arm, along with a sunflower and a girl sitting in front of the moon.

We stop the bus, parking it, and almost immediately, Ashland pops in, "Alright, the other band is outside, waiting to meet you, and then you have to hurry and run to sound check!"

Nervously I clutch onto my brothers arm. I wasn't ready for this. We head into the venue, abd I'm the middle of the stage, there stands the other band and their tour manager. I keep my eyes down though, letting go of my brother. I prayed they wouldn't remember me.

"Hello." Ashland says, "I'm Ashland Gunner, this is Gavin Snug, Andy Hall, and Silas and Petal Shay."

I wave slightly, looking up and scanning the men before me.

"I'm Brian Southall, this is Alex-"

"We know." Silas chucked, looking Dien at me, "We did our research." Translation: Petal informed us about everything. She loves you guys.

"Are you two married?" Jack asks, looking at Silas and I, crincling his brows together.

"No! No way!" I gasp out, laughing uncontrollably.

"She's my little sister."  Silas chucked.

"By ten minutes." I shove him. "Twins."

"Nice to know." Gaskarth smirks. I shift, yet again hoping he doesn't remember me.

"Well, we will see you later. We have sound check to get ready for." Silas excuses us.

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now