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Watching my girl cry, for the second day in a row, broke my heart, as she explained to me how she normally stays with her mom after that, but today she couldn't bear it after having such a good time.

I pull her over to me, trying to comfort her the best of my ability, "Princess," I kiss her forehead and wipe her tears gently with my thumb.

"I'm okay," she mutters, "I'm just scared."

"I understand why, and I can't make you any promises about her health," I start, "But I can tell you I'll be here through it all." She looks up at me and nods, wiping her tears and pulling the car out of park.

She turns on her stereo system and it goes straight to my voice singing quietly with my bands music. She blushes wildly, "I missed you, so I play your music and listen to your voice."

"Does it help?" I ask.

"Sometimes." Her blush grows.

"It helps me, hearing you singing." I tell her honestly, I reach over, grab her hand, and kiss it. "So does talking to you."

It's going to be harder after touring, what will we do then?

"I don't know if you've ever looked at Blue Dog paintings," she starts, "But there's an exhibit this week, along with other art shows. Do you want to go?" She asks.

"I'd love to." I respond, honestly. I just want to spend time with her. I didn't know much about art.


"I guess you can consider him a children's artist, but I still admire the work. George Rodrigue." She explains, and wraps her arm around my waist, looking up at the original painting.

"Did you know that these paintings litterally travel the world, all the time? And how much they're worth?"

I raise my brows, "It's probably a lot. I looked on google on the way here how much a simple copy of one would be. At least two hundred."

"Yeah, it's amazing." She smiles. "I used to want to be an artist myself, when I was younger, but I wasn't very good at art."

"Well, you're an amazing singer and song writer. That's art."

"I guess you're right." She had a slight blush on her pale cheeks as she looked at the painting.

"I'm always right." I tease. She looks up at me with a knowing smirk and I chuckle.

We walk around all of the art, looking at it, and then we head to other places around town that she loves.

"Let me cook you dinner tonight, baby." I persuade, while we're in a record shop.

"I don't know Alex, I've only had your cooking on a bus, are you sure you can cook in a real kitchen?" She mutters, her back to me. I could tell she was teasing, though.

I smile, grabbing her hand. "Let me treat my princess."

"Alright, but only if there's dessert, too." She turns around and faces me, wiggling her eyebrows.

"All kinds." I wink at her. "But all of it will have to be a suprise."

"Mm, okay." She grabs what we came here to get, being the Save Rock & Roll CD by Fall Out Boy. I pay for it, she protests, we leave and head to the house.

"So I'll go get the groceries, I'll be back in less than an hour, you stay here." I instruct, before kissing my beautiful girlfriend. "You might wanna take a nap."

Constellations, Alex Gaskarth, All Time LowWhere stories live. Discover now